
时间:2021-10-29 17:23:50

I am using html5 with angularJs using follwoing tag


This results in Browser mode set to IE8 Compat, and Document mode set to IE8 Standards.

这导致浏览器模式设置为IE8 Compat,文档模式设置为IE8标准。

 <!doctype html>
 <html xmlns:ng="http://angularjs.org" id="ng-app"  ng-app="myApp">

 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

This results in Browser mode="IE8 Compat" and Document mode="IE8 Standards".

这导致浏览器模式=“IE8 Compat”和文档模式=“IE8标准”。

How can i force for the IE Document Mode=IE8 Standards too, so my stuff will start working

我怎么能强制IE文件模式= IE8标准,所以我的东西将开始工作

1 个解决方案



You want IE=edge, it will force the browser to use the latest version it has (IE8 will act as IE8, not compatibility mode) and removes the button for compatibility mode. This will give the best results for AngularJS

你想要IE = edge,它会强制浏览器使用它拥有的最新版本(IE8将充当IE8,而不是兼容模式)并删除兼容模式的按钮。这将为AngularJS提供最佳结果

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

Also, if you are running the site locally, IE will pick up on that and force compatibility mode on. You can change this setting in IE, go to Tools –> Compatibility ViewSettings -> Uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View".

此外,如果您在本地运行该站点,IE将接收并强制执行兼容模式。您可以在IE中更改此设置,转到工具 - >兼容性视图设置 - >取消选中“在兼容性视图中显示Intranet站点”。




You want IE=edge, it will force the browser to use the latest version it has (IE8 will act as IE8, not compatibility mode) and removes the button for compatibility mode. This will give the best results for AngularJS

你想要IE = edge,它会强制浏览器使用它拥有的最新版本(IE8将充当IE8,而不是兼容模式)并删除兼容模式的按钮。这将为AngularJS提供最佳结果

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

Also, if you are running the site locally, IE will pick up on that and force compatibility mode on. You can change this setting in IE, go to Tools –> Compatibility ViewSettings -> Uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View".

此外,如果您在本地运行该站点,IE将接收并强制执行兼容模式。您可以在IE中更改此设置,转到工具 - >兼容性视图设置 - >取消选中“在兼容性视图中显示Intranet站点”。
