
时间:2022-02-02 13:09:11

I am completely new to F# (and functional programming in general) but I see pattern matching used everywhere in sample code. I am wondering for example how pattern matching actually works? For example, I imagine it working the same as a for loop in other languages and checking for matches on each item in a collection. This is probably far from correct, how does it actually work behind the scenes?


4 个解决方案



It depends on what kind of pattern matching do you mean - it is quite powerful construct and can be used in all sorts of ways. However, I'll try to explain how pattern matching works on lists. You can write for example these patterns:


match l with
| [1; 2; 3] ->  // specific list of 3 elements
| 1::rest ->    // list starting with 1 followed by more elements
| x::xs ->      // non-empty list with element 'x' followed by a list
| [] ->         // empty list (no elements)

The F# list is actually a discriminated union containing two cases - [] representing an empty list or x::xs representing a list with first element x followed by some other elements. In C#, this might be represented like this:


// Represents any list
abstract class List<T> { }
// Case '[]' representing an empty list
class EmptyList<T> : List<T> { }
// Case 'x::xs' representing list with element followed by other list
class ConsList<T> : List<T> {
  public T Value { get; set; } 
  public List<T> Rest { get; set; }

The patterns above would be compiled to the following (I'm using pseudo-code to make this simpler):


if (l is ConsList) && (l.Value == 1) &&
   (l.Rest is ConsList) && (l.Rest.Value == 2) &&
   (l.Rest.Rest is ConsList) && (l.Rest.Rest.Value == 3) &&
   (l.Rest.Rest.Rest is EmptyList) then
   // specific list of 3 elements
else if (l is ConsList) && (l.Value == 1) then
   var rest = l.Rest;
   // list starting with 1 followed by more elements
else if (l is ConsList) then
   var x = l.Value, xs = l.Rest;
   // non-empty list with element 'x' followed by a list
else if (l is EmptyList) then 
   // empty list (no elements)

As you can see, there is no looping involved. When processing lists in F#, you would use recursion to implement looping, but pattern matching is used on individual elements (ConsList) that together compose the entire list.


Pattern matching on lists is a specific case of discriminated union which is discussed by sepp2k. There are other constructs that may appear in pattern matching, but essentially all of them are compiled using some (complicated) if statement.




How does pattern matching actually work? The same as a for loop?


It is about as far from a for loop as you could imagine: instead of looping, a pattern match is compiled to an efficient automaton. There are two styles of automaton, which I call the "decision tree" and the "French style." Each style offers different advantages: the decision tree inspects the minimum number of values needed to make a decision, but a naive implementation may require exponential code space in the worst case. The French style offers a different time-space tradeoff, with good but not optimal guarantees for both.


But the absolutely definitive work on this problem is Luc Maranget's excellent paper "Compiling Pattern Matching to Good Decisions Trees from the 2008 ML Workshop. Luc's paper basically shows how to get the best of both worlds. If you want a treatment that may be slightly more accessible to the amateur, I humbly recommend my own offering When Do Match-Compilation Heuristics Matter?

但是,关于这个问题的绝对确定的工作是Luc Maranget的优秀论文“编译模式匹配到良好决策树,从2008 ML研讨会。吕克的论文基本上说明了如何在这两个世界中取得最好的结果。如果你想要一种对业余爱好者来说可能更容易理解的治疗方法,我谦卑地向你推荐我自己的治疗方法,什么时候配对编译启发式才重要呢?

Writing a pattern-match compiler is easy and fun!




No, it doesn't loop. If you have a pattern match like this


match x with
| Foo a b -> a + b
| Bar c -> c

this compiles down to something like this pseudo code:


if (x is a Foo)
  let a = (first element of x) in
  let b = (second element of x) in
else if (x is a Bar)
  let c = (first element of x) in

If Foo and Bar are constructors from an algebraic data type (i.e. a type defined like type FooBar = Foo int int | Bar int) the operations x is a Foo and x is a Bar are simple comparisons. If they are defined by an active pattern, the operations are defined by that pattern.

如果Foo和Bar是代数数据类型的构造函数(即定义为FooBar = Foo int | Bar类型的类型),那么操作x是Foo, x是Bar是简单的比较。如果它们是由活动模式定义的,那么操作就是由该模式定义的。



If you compile your F# code to an .exe then take a look with Reflector you can see what the C# "equivalent" of the F# code.


I've used this method to look at F# examples quite a bit.




It depends on what kind of pattern matching do you mean - it is quite powerful construct and can be used in all sorts of ways. However, I'll try to explain how pattern matching works on lists. You can write for example these patterns:


match l with
| [1; 2; 3] ->  // specific list of 3 elements
| 1::rest ->    // list starting with 1 followed by more elements
| x::xs ->      // non-empty list with element 'x' followed by a list
| [] ->         // empty list (no elements)

The F# list is actually a discriminated union containing two cases - [] representing an empty list or x::xs representing a list with first element x followed by some other elements. In C#, this might be represented like this:


// Represents any list
abstract class List<T> { }
// Case '[]' representing an empty list
class EmptyList<T> : List<T> { }
// Case 'x::xs' representing list with element followed by other list
class ConsList<T> : List<T> {
  public T Value { get; set; } 
  public List<T> Rest { get; set; }

The patterns above would be compiled to the following (I'm using pseudo-code to make this simpler):


if (l is ConsList) && (l.Value == 1) &&
   (l.Rest is ConsList) && (l.Rest.Value == 2) &&
   (l.Rest.Rest is ConsList) && (l.Rest.Rest.Value == 3) &&
   (l.Rest.Rest.Rest is EmptyList) then
   // specific list of 3 elements
else if (l is ConsList) && (l.Value == 1) then
   var rest = l.Rest;
   // list starting with 1 followed by more elements
else if (l is ConsList) then
   var x = l.Value, xs = l.Rest;
   // non-empty list with element 'x' followed by a list
else if (l is EmptyList) then 
   // empty list (no elements)

As you can see, there is no looping involved. When processing lists in F#, you would use recursion to implement looping, but pattern matching is used on individual elements (ConsList) that together compose the entire list.


Pattern matching on lists is a specific case of discriminated union which is discussed by sepp2k. There are other constructs that may appear in pattern matching, but essentially all of them are compiled using some (complicated) if statement.




How does pattern matching actually work? The same as a for loop?


It is about as far from a for loop as you could imagine: instead of looping, a pattern match is compiled to an efficient automaton. There are two styles of automaton, which I call the "decision tree" and the "French style." Each style offers different advantages: the decision tree inspects the minimum number of values needed to make a decision, but a naive implementation may require exponential code space in the worst case. The French style offers a different time-space tradeoff, with good but not optimal guarantees for both.


But the absolutely definitive work on this problem is Luc Maranget's excellent paper "Compiling Pattern Matching to Good Decisions Trees from the 2008 ML Workshop. Luc's paper basically shows how to get the best of both worlds. If you want a treatment that may be slightly more accessible to the amateur, I humbly recommend my own offering When Do Match-Compilation Heuristics Matter?

但是,关于这个问题的绝对确定的工作是Luc Maranget的优秀论文“编译模式匹配到良好决策树,从2008 ML研讨会。吕克的论文基本上说明了如何在这两个世界中取得最好的结果。如果你想要一种对业余爱好者来说可能更容易理解的治疗方法,我谦卑地向你推荐我自己的治疗方法,什么时候配对编译启发式才重要呢?

Writing a pattern-match compiler is easy and fun!




No, it doesn't loop. If you have a pattern match like this


match x with
| Foo a b -> a + b
| Bar c -> c

this compiles down to something like this pseudo code:


if (x is a Foo)
  let a = (first element of x) in
  let b = (second element of x) in
else if (x is a Bar)
  let c = (first element of x) in

If Foo and Bar are constructors from an algebraic data type (i.e. a type defined like type FooBar = Foo int int | Bar int) the operations x is a Foo and x is a Bar are simple comparisons. If they are defined by an active pattern, the operations are defined by that pattern.

如果Foo和Bar是代数数据类型的构造函数(即定义为FooBar = Foo int | Bar类型的类型),那么操作x是Foo, x是Bar是简单的比较。如果它们是由活动模式定义的,那么操作就是由该模式定义的。



If you compile your F# code to an .exe then take a look with Reflector you can see what the C# "equivalent" of the F# code.


I've used this method to look at F# examples quite a bit.
