ASP MVC 4 - 在重复控件中绑定并将数据从视图传递到控制器

时间:2022-05-20 13:58:22

Being new to ASP MVC, I met the following problem.

作为ASP MVC的新手,我遇到了以下问题。

I have a list of "repeating" controls on my page, which are presented by the following Razor code:


@model BankBLL.Interfaces.ISecureFolder

...(some irrelevant code here)

<header><h3 >Commitee list</h3></header>
@foreach (var commitee in Model.Commitees)
    <a href="@Url.Action("CommiteePage", "SecureFolder", commitee)">
        <div class="commiteeButtonImageContainer">@commitee.Name</div>
        <img src="~/Images/CommiteeButtonImage.png"/>

Model.Commitees here is a List of ICommitee objects, that means that I am trying to "bind" each Url.Action to a corresponding ICommitee commitee object. However, when it comes to my controller action:


public ActionResult CommiteePage(ICommitee commitee)
    return View("CommiteePage", commitee);

looks like I am making it a wrong way, because application returns "Cannot create an instance of an interface." error, that means that application is unable to retreive required commitee object when the action link is clicked.


Is there a way to bind each row "item datacontext" (ICommitee object in this case) to correspoding Url.Action?

有没有办法将每一行“item datacontext”(在本例中为ICommitee对象)绑定到对应的Url.Action?

2 个解决方案



The main problem is that the default model binder cannot create an instance of an interface. Try to be more specific, i.e. public ActionResult CommiteePage(ImplementedCommiteeType commitee). You can also create a CommiteeViewModel: ICommitee class in which you can transport your structures (in Controllers and Views only).

主要问题是默认模型绑定器无法创建接口的实例。尝试更具体,即公共ActionResult CommiteePage(ImplementedCommiteeType commitee)。您还可以创建一个CommiteeViewModel:ICommitee类,您可以在其中传输结构(仅限控制器和视图)。

Or you can create your own model binder which knows what to implement. This is slightly more complicated.




Unfortunately could not post it earlier due to reputation regulations.


Finally resolved this issue due to good explanation at: HTML.ActionLink method


When you try to pass an argument from Url.Action or Html.ActionLink - you have to specify explicitly the final "null" argument responsible for html arguments.

当您尝试从Url.Action或Html.ActionLink传递参数时 - 您必须明确指定负责html参数的最终“null”参数。

In my case the following code works correctly:


slightly changed controller action (now receives just name instead of commitee object itself)


public ActionResult CommiteePage(string commiteeName)
    return View("CommiteePage", SecureFolder.Commitees.First(o=>o.Name == commiteeName));

and changed syntax for html calling this action:


@foreach (var commitee in Model.Commitees)
    <a href="@Url.Action("CommiteePage", "SecureFolder", new { commiteeName=commitee.Name }, null)">
        <div class="commiteeButtonImageContainer">@commitee.Name</div>
        <img src="~/Images/CommiteeButtonImage.png"/>

Now view correctly passes the name of selected commitee to controller so that I can redirect to corresponding commitee view.


Thank you all for helping to resolve this issue!




The main problem is that the default model binder cannot create an instance of an interface. Try to be more specific, i.e. public ActionResult CommiteePage(ImplementedCommiteeType commitee). You can also create a CommiteeViewModel: ICommitee class in which you can transport your structures (in Controllers and Views only).

主要问题是默认模型绑定器无法创建接口的实例。尝试更具体,即公共ActionResult CommiteePage(ImplementedCommiteeType commitee)。您还可以创建一个CommiteeViewModel:ICommitee类,您可以在其中传输结构(仅限控制器和视图)。

Or you can create your own model binder which knows what to implement. This is slightly more complicated.




Unfortunately could not post it earlier due to reputation regulations.


Finally resolved this issue due to good explanation at: HTML.ActionLink method


When you try to pass an argument from Url.Action or Html.ActionLink - you have to specify explicitly the final "null" argument responsible for html arguments.

当您尝试从Url.Action或Html.ActionLink传递参数时 - 您必须明确指定负责html参数的最终“null”参数。

In my case the following code works correctly:


slightly changed controller action (now receives just name instead of commitee object itself)


public ActionResult CommiteePage(string commiteeName)
    return View("CommiteePage", SecureFolder.Commitees.First(o=>o.Name == commiteeName));

and changed syntax for html calling this action:


@foreach (var commitee in Model.Commitees)
    <a href="@Url.Action("CommiteePage", "SecureFolder", new { commiteeName=commitee.Name }, null)">
        <div class="commiteeButtonImageContainer">@commitee.Name</div>
        <img src="~/Images/CommiteeButtonImage.png"/>

Now view correctly passes the name of selected commitee to controller so that I can redirect to corresponding commitee view.


Thank you all for helping to resolve this issue!
