Angular.js - 防止直接访问部分视图

时间:2022-03-14 12:12:54

I want the users to not be able to view the partials directly when accessing their url in the browser. For example if my partial view is located in:



I can still directly access it and see the odd markup. Is there a way to prevent it and make the partial views only available through angular? Thanks.


2 个解决方案



Well, not really.


At the end of a day a browser needs to be able to access a partial to download it. If a browser can do this your users will be able to do so as well. You might eventually make it a bit harder for them to hit partials directly (for example to by configuring your server so it only responds to request with a certain header and configure $http to send this header on each XHR request).

在一天结束时,浏览器需要能够访问部分以下载它。如果浏览器可以执行此操作,您的用户也可以这样做。您最终可能会让它们更难直接命中部分(例如,通过配置您的服务器使其仅响应具有特定标头的请求并配置$ http以在每个XHR请求上发送此标头)。

The other possibility is to pre-load partials up-front as described here and not expose them via HTTP at all (actually this is a good practice for production deployments anyway).


Otherwise it is hard to propose a meaningful solution without knowing what is the exact problem (functionally speaking) that you are trying to solve.




I put a <script> at the top of every view partial that checks if the variable containing the main app Module exists, if not redirect to index.html


If in app.js the appModule is defined in this way:


var appModule = angular.module('myApp',["ngRoute","ngResource"]);`

At the top of the partial insert:


<script type="text/javascript">
  if(typeof appModule === 'undefined'){



Well, not really.


At the end of a day a browser needs to be able to access a partial to download it. If a browser can do this your users will be able to do so as well. You might eventually make it a bit harder for them to hit partials directly (for example to by configuring your server so it only responds to request with a certain header and configure $http to send this header on each XHR request).

在一天结束时,浏览器需要能够访问部分以下载它。如果浏览器可以执行此操作,您的用户也可以这样做。您最终可能会让它们更难直接命中部分(例如,通过配置您的服务器使其仅响应具有特定标头的请求并配置$ http以在每个XHR请求上发送此标头)。

The other possibility is to pre-load partials up-front as described here and not expose them via HTTP at all (actually this is a good practice for production deployments anyway).


Otherwise it is hard to propose a meaningful solution without knowing what is the exact problem (functionally speaking) that you are trying to solve.




I put a <script> at the top of every view partial that checks if the variable containing the main app Module exists, if not redirect to index.html


If in app.js the appModule is defined in this way:


var appModule = angular.module('myApp',["ngRoute","ngResource"]);`

At the top of the partial insert:


<script type="text/javascript">
  if(typeof appModule === 'undefined'){