
时间:2022-04-27 11:49:40

I am using Angular 1.5.8 and angular-ui-router 0.3.2. I need to resolve an authentication method on every route change.


I dont want to add the resolve property for each route so I created this in App.run


//check permissions

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (evt, toState) {
    if ($localStorage.token || toState.authenticated) {
        $http.defaults.headers.common = {
            'Authorization': 'Token ' + $localStorage.token,
            'Accept': 'application/json'

                $rootScope.user = data;
                if(toState.authenticated) {
    else {
        if(toState.authenticated) {


It is usually working well, But I noticed that many times the application is routing before the promise permissionAPI.me() resolved and that causing errors later.

它通常工作得很好,但是我注意到,在promise permissionAPI.me()解决之前,很多时候应用程序都是路由的,这将导致稍后的错误。

How can I make sure the route will take effect just after that promise?


Or, how can I make a main resolve for all of my routes by passing that promise from $stateChangeStart ?


Thank you!


1 个解决方案



Create an app state! Abstract states are useful for if you need to access data consistently across your application, but don't want to have that data associated with a specific view.


        .state('app', { 
            url: '/app/',
            template: '<div ui-view></div>',
            controller: 'AppCtrl',
            abstract: true,
            resolve: {
                ActiveUser: function (AuthService) {
                    return AuthService.whoAmI();
        .state('app.home', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'app.home.html',
            controller: 'HomeCtrl',
            resolve: {
                Categories: function (ActiveUser, MessagesService) {
                    return MessagesService.getAll(User);

You can then access that data in subsequent resolve blocks or in your controllers like app.controller('ExampleCtrl', function (ActiveUser) {}); as long as your controller is in a child state of 'app'. This is achieved with the naming convention 'app.'

然后,您可以在后续的解析块中或在app.controller('ExampleCtrl', function (ActiveUser){})中访问该数据;只要你的控制器处于“app”的子状态。这是通过命名约定应用程序实现的。



Create an app state! Abstract states are useful for if you need to access data consistently across your application, but don't want to have that data associated with a specific view.


        .state('app', { 
            url: '/app/',
            template: '<div ui-view></div>',
            controller: 'AppCtrl',
            abstract: true,
            resolve: {
                ActiveUser: function (AuthService) {
                    return AuthService.whoAmI();
        .state('app.home', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'app.home.html',
            controller: 'HomeCtrl',
            resolve: {
                Categories: function (ActiveUser, MessagesService) {
                    return MessagesService.getAll(User);

You can then access that data in subsequent resolve blocks or in your controllers like app.controller('ExampleCtrl', function (ActiveUser) {}); as long as your controller is in a child state of 'app'. This is achieved with the naming convention 'app.'

然后,您可以在后续的解析块中或在app.controller('ExampleCtrl', function (ActiveUser){})中访问该数据;只要你的控制器处于“app”的子状态。这是通过命名约定应用程序实现的。