angular-ui / ui-select:如何正确设置初始选定对象

时间:2021-08-10 10:44:02

This is my ui select in the view:


<ui-select ng-model="selectedLabel.selected" ng-disabled="fetchingLabels || working">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="">{{$select.selected.code}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="label in labels| filterBy: ['name', 'code']: $"> 
        <div ng-bind-html="label.code | highlight: $"></div>
        <small ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></small>

And this is the relevant code in my controller:


$scope.labels = [];
$scope.selectedLabel = {};
$scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.passedLabel; // This is an object passed 
                                                    // from the previous controller.
                                                    // The scope comes with it.

$scope.fetchLabels(); // This fetches the labels from the server
                      // and puts them in $scope.labels

The labels brought from the server are theoretically like these:


[{'labelId': 20, 'code': 'L20', 'name': 'some label'},
 {'labelId': 21, 'code': 'L21', 'name': 'other label'}, ...]

And the passed from-outside label, 'passedLabel', is theoretically like ONE of those in $scope.labels too, eg:

传递来自外部的标签'passLabel'在理论上也是$ scope.labels中的一个,例如:

  passedLabel = {'labelId': 21, 'code': 'L21', 'name': 'other label'}

...I say theoretically because, empirically, I'm seeing that they are different because of the things that angular adds to them (eg. $$hashKey, or __proto__).

......我说理论上是因为,根据经验,我看到它们是不同的,因为角度增加了它们(例如,$$ hashKey或__proto__)。

So, because of that difference, the $scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.passedLabel isn't matching the corresponding item in the ui-select (they are not the same object), and thus, the result of that is this behavior:

因此,由于存在这种差异,$ scope.selectedLabel.selected = $ scope.passedLabel与ui-select中的相应项不匹配(它们不是同一个对象),因此,结果就是这种行为:

angular-ui / ui-select:如何正确设置初始选定对象

How can I set the initial selection correctly? is there a way I can use id's instead of object comparisson? I want to avoid having a for like this:

如何正确设置初始选择?有没有办法可以使用id而不是object comparisson?我想避免像这样:

  for (i=0; i<$scope.labels; i++) {
      if ($scope.labels[i].labelId == $scope.passedLabel.labelId) {
           $scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.labels[i]

which I'm pretty sure it would work as expected, but I would have to call that for after the ajax has returned... and I have other ui-selects too


1 个解决方案



If you want to achieve the state that you have mentioned, then simply pass the correct reference to your model.


So after the success of the fetchlabel call you set the values in labels. Now in the success of this function you need to call the function that fetches presentLabel.


As soon as you get the data of present label you can get the index of that object in the labels scope.


var idx;
_.find($scope.labels, function(label, labelIdx){ 
  if(label.labelId == parentLabel.labelId){ idx = labelIdx; return true;}; 

$scope.selectedLabel = {};
$scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.labels[idx];

This will solve your purpose.




If you want to achieve the state that you have mentioned, then simply pass the correct reference to your model.


So after the success of the fetchlabel call you set the values in labels. Now in the success of this function you need to call the function that fetches presentLabel.


As soon as you get the data of present label you can get the index of that object in the labels scope.


var idx;
_.find($scope.labels, function(label, labelIdx){ 
  if(label.labelId == parentLabel.labelId){ idx = labelIdx; return true;}; 

$scope.selectedLabel = {};
$scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.labels[idx];

This will solve your purpose.
