Spring Security(六):2.3 Release Numbering

时间:2022-06-24 10:18:23

It is useful to understand how Spring Security release numbers work, as it will help you identify the effort (or lack thereof) involved in migrating to future releases of the project. Each release uses a standard triplet of integers: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The intent is that MAJOR versions are incompatible, large-scale upgrades of the API. MINOR versions should largely retain source and binary compatibility with older minor versions, thought there may be some design changes and incompatible updates. PATCH level should be perfectly compatible, forwards and backwards, with the possible exception of changes which are to fix bugs and defects.

了解Spring Security版本号的工作原理非常有用,因为它可以帮助您确定迁移到项目未来版本所涉及的工作(或缺乏工作)。每个版本使用标准的三元组整数:MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH。目的是MAJOR版本是API的不兼容,大规模升级。 MINOR版本应该在很大程度上保留源代码和二进制版本与较旧版本的兼容性,认为可能存在一些设计更改和不兼容的更新。 PATCH级别应该完全兼容,前向和后向,可能的例外是修复错误和缺陷。
The extent to which you are affected by changes will depend on how tightly integrated your code is. If you are doing a lot of customization you are more likely to be affected than if you are using a simple namespace configuration.
You should always test your application thoroughly before rolling out a new version.

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