
时间:2021-08-20 08:52:52

In our database, a file is "Processing" if the column "Pending" is set to false on the FileTable and that files FileID doesn't exist in the Transaction table.


How can I construct a LINQ query that basically says,


where f.Pending == False && (f.ID !=exist in db.Transactions.FileID)

其中f.Pending == False &&(f.ID!=存在于db.Transactions.FileID中)

The portion in the parenthesis is what I'm not sure how to do. I could do that in a seperate query but I know there is a way to elegantly do this in one query.


Here is what I have so far:


 public IEnumerable<PlacementFile> getProcessingPlacementFiles()
            using (LinqModelDataContext db = new LinqModelDataContext())
                var placementFiles = from f in db.Placement_Files
                                     where (f.Pending == false && (f.ID does not exist in db.Transactions.FileID))
                                     orderby f.Import_Date descending
                                     select f;

                return placementFiles;


Is this a case where I need to do a join on the FileTable and the Transactions table? Can someone guide me a little through this?


2 个解决方案



where !f.Pending && !db.Transactions.Any(trans => trans.ID == f.ID)

That should work at least logically - you'll have to see whether it generated the right SQL, of course :)

这应该至少在逻辑上起作用 - 你必须看看它是否生成了正确的SQL,当然:)


This is a case where you want to use the Any() extension method, like so:


public IEnumerable<PlacementFile> getProcessingPlacementFiles()
    using (LinqModelDataContext db = new LinqModelDataContext())
         return  from f in db.Placement_Files
                 where (!f.Pending && !db.Transactions
                                         .Any( t => t.FileID == f.ID)
                 orderby f.Import_Date descending                        
                 select f;



where !f.Pending && !db.Transactions.Any(trans => trans.ID == f.ID)

That should work at least logically - you'll have to see whether it generated the right SQL, of course :)

这应该至少在逻辑上起作用 - 你必须看看它是否生成了正确的SQL,当然:)


This is a case where you want to use the Any() extension method, like so:


public IEnumerable<PlacementFile> getProcessingPlacementFiles()
    using (LinqModelDataContext db = new LinqModelDataContext())
         return  from f in db.Placement_Files
                 where (!f.Pending && !db.Transactions
                                         .Any( t => t.FileID == f.ID)
                 orderby f.Import_Date descending                        
                 select f;