
时间:2022-04-26 07:41:41

I have a simple program here that will write out a line within an array of lines if it does not contain any of the names within another array.


[array]$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"

[array]$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

foreach ($line in $lines)
   if ($line -notmatch $names)
       write $line

When I run this, it just writes out every line from the array of lines, even though 'Adam' is included in the array of names. It should just write out 'My name is Jim' and 'My name is Sam'.


Sorry if this question is pretty basic but I couldn't find any answers for it.


3 个解决方案



There is probably a better solution than this, but one way to solve it is to have a second loop that iterates through each name and checks for them in the line:


[array]$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"
[array]$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

foreach ($line in $lines)
    $names | ForEach-Object -Begin {$found = $false} {
        If ($line -match $_){ $found = $true; break } 

    if (-not $found)
        write $line


  • Sends $names via the pipeline in to ForEach-Object. This starts by initializing a $found variable within it's -Begin block.
  • 通过管道将$ name发送到ForEach-Object。首先在它的-Begin块中初始化$ found变量。

  • ForEach-Object checks the line to match against each name (the name is now an item in the pipeline represented by $_). If it is found it sets $found to true and uses break to end the loop.
  • ForEach-Object检查该行是否与每个名称匹配(该名称现在是由$ _表示的管道中的项目)。如果找到它将$ found设置为true并使用break来结束循环。

  • If $found is not true, it writes the line.
  • 如果$ found不成立,则写入该行。



If you are using a regex comparison with -notmatch why not turn your list of names into a better regex? How about something like this:


$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"
$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

$regex = $names -join '|'

$lines | ? {$_ -notmatch $regex} | % {Write-Host $_}



Thanks for the answers guys. I have reworked my code to make it a little simpler:


[array]$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"

[array]$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

    foreach ($line in $lines)
        $regex = $names -join '|'

        if ($line -notmatch $regex)
            write $line



There is probably a better solution than this, but one way to solve it is to have a second loop that iterates through each name and checks for them in the line:


[array]$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"
[array]$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

foreach ($line in $lines)
    $names | ForEach-Object -Begin {$found = $false} {
        If ($line -match $_){ $found = $true; break } 

    if (-not $found)
        write $line


  • Sends $names via the pipeline in to ForEach-Object. This starts by initializing a $found variable within it's -Begin block.
  • 通过管道将$ name发送到ForEach-Object。首先在它的-Begin块中初始化$ found变量。

  • ForEach-Object checks the line to match against each name (the name is now an item in the pipeline represented by $_). If it is found it sets $found to true and uses break to end the loop.
  • ForEach-Object检查该行是否与每个名称匹配(该名称现在是由$ _表示的管道中的项目)。如果找到它将$ found设置为true并使用break来结束循环。

  • If $found is not true, it writes the line.
  • 如果$ found不成立,则写入该行。



If you are using a regex comparison with -notmatch why not turn your list of names into a better regex? How about something like this:


$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"
$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

$regex = $names -join '|'

$lines | ? {$_ -notmatch $regex} | % {Write-Host $_}



Thanks for the answers guys. I have reworked my code to make it a little simpler:


[array]$names = "Adam", "Bill", "Colin", "Dave"

[array]$lines = "My name is Jim", "My name is Sam", "My name is Adam"

    foreach ($line in $lines)
        $regex = $names -join '|'

        if ($line -notmatch $regex)
            write $line