如何在我的java代码中添加JCombo Box [重复]

时间:2021-11-18 08:09:19

This question already has an answer here:


Quick question, I have developed 3 A.I's each with a different depth.


Currently to choose what A.I you want to play against you have to go into the java file called Main.java and change it to whichever one you want. The line to change is:


chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai3);//Here is the line where the A.I is assigned cureently it is ai3

I want to allow the user to have an option at the start of the game to choose the A.I. I was hoping for some help with the interface,


A Jcombo would be perfect but I need help with eh implementation any help would be great


(I'm just not sure how to do one for the A.I selection)


Current A.I's


ai1 ai2 ai3

ai1 ai2 ai3

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Creating the Game 
        ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();

        // Creating the Human Player 
        //Human Player is the Object chessGui
        ChessGui chessGui = new ChessGui(chessGame);
        //Creating the A.I's
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai1 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Super Dumb
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai2 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Dumb
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai3 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Not So Dumb

        // Set strength of AI, how far they can see ahead 
        ai1.maxDepth = 1;
        ai1.maxDepth = 2;
        ai3.maxDepth = 3;

        //Assign the Human to White 
        chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_WHITE, chessGui);
        //Assign the not so dumb A.I to black 
        chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai3);

        // in the end we start the game
        new Thread(chessGame).start();


1 个解决方案



Your final code would be like this.


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Creating the Game 
        ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();

        // Creating the Human Player 
        //Human Player is the Object chessGui
        ChessGui chessGui = new ChessGui(chessGame);
        //Creating the A.I's
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai1 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Super Dumb
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai2 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Dumb
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai3 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Not So Dumb

        // Set strength of AI, how far they can see ahead 
        ai1.maxDepth = 1;
        ai1.maxDepth = 2;
        ai3.maxDepth = 3;

        //Assign the Human to White 
        chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_WHITE, chessGui);

        //////////// JCombobox

        String[] comboTypes = { "ai1", "ai2", "ai3" };
        // Create the combo box, and set 2nd item as Default
        JComboBox comboTypesList = new JComboBox(comboTypes);
        comboTypesList.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                JComboBox jcmbType = (JComboBox) e.getSource();
                String cmbType = (String) jcmbType.getSelectedItem();

                   chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai1);
                else if(cmbType.equals("ai2"))
                   chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai2);
                  chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai3);


    public void startGame(ChessGame chessGame){
        new Thread(chessGame).start();


But remember this thing that you SHOULD add JComboBox to the JFrame and JPanel so that GUI works fine.




Your final code would be like this.


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Creating the Game 
        ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();

        // Creating the Human Player 
        //Human Player is the Object chessGui
        ChessGui chessGui = new ChessGui(chessGame);
        //Creating the A.I's
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai1 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Super Dumb
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai2 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Dumb
        SimpleAiPlayerHandler ai3 = new SimpleAiPlayerHandler(chessGame);//Not So Dumb

        // Set strength of AI, how far they can see ahead 
        ai1.maxDepth = 1;
        ai1.maxDepth = 2;
        ai3.maxDepth = 3;

        //Assign the Human to White 
        chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_WHITE, chessGui);

        //////////// JCombobox

        String[] comboTypes = { "ai1", "ai2", "ai3" };
        // Create the combo box, and set 2nd item as Default
        JComboBox comboTypesList = new JComboBox(comboTypes);
        comboTypesList.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                JComboBox jcmbType = (JComboBox) e.getSource();
                String cmbType = (String) jcmbType.getSelectedItem();

                   chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai1);
                else if(cmbType.equals("ai2"))
                   chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai2);
                  chessGame.setPlayer(Piece.COLOR_BLACK, ai3);


    public void startGame(ChessGame chessGame){
        new Thread(chessGame).start();


But remember this thing that you SHOULD add JComboBox to the JFrame and JPanel so that GUI works fine.
