
时间:2022-03-09 05:37:31

I have a problem that I feel is best implimented in a stand alone windows application, but needs to pass data to a web page that is already open.


Is it possible to pass the data directly to the web page?


If so, what is the best way to go about it?


(Its my first question, so go easy on me!)


2 个解决方案



This is not going to be an easy problem to solve, but I think it's possible by hosting the web-page in a browser embedded in a .NET application. This Code-Project article might help


Also this article talks a bit about accessing the DOM through a C# application.


Have you got any requirements on language? And can you add a bit more detail about exactly what you're trying to achieve?


EDIT 1: Watij is a web-application testing framework for Java. You can use it to fill in text-boxes, click buttons etc. I think it might fit your needs and, if it doesn't, it's open-source, so you might be able to hack it to work. There is a whole family of Wati* products - Watin for .NET, Watir for Ruby, etc.

编辑1:Watij是Java的Web应用程序测试框架。您可以使用它来填写文本框,单击按钮等。我认为它可能符合您的需求,如果不是,它是开源的,所以您可能能够破解它的工作。有一整套Wati *产品--Watin for .NET,Watir for Ruby等。



Getting access to external web pages are not permitted due to security credentials. But you can open and write to a web page via winInet APIs. Please go through the article

由于安全凭证,不允许访问外部网页。但您可以通过winInet API打开并写入网页。请仔细阅读这篇文章




This is not going to be an easy problem to solve, but I think it's possible by hosting the web-page in a browser embedded in a .NET application. This Code-Project article might help


Also this article talks a bit about accessing the DOM through a C# application.


Have you got any requirements on language? And can you add a bit more detail about exactly what you're trying to achieve?


EDIT 1: Watij is a web-application testing framework for Java. You can use it to fill in text-boxes, click buttons etc. I think it might fit your needs and, if it doesn't, it's open-source, so you might be able to hack it to work. There is a whole family of Wati* products - Watin for .NET, Watir for Ruby, etc.

编辑1:Watij是Java的Web应用程序测试框架。您可以使用它来填写文本框,单击按钮等。我认为它可能符合您的需求,如果不是,它是开源的,所以您可能能够破解它的工作。有一整套Wati *产品--Watin for .NET,Watir for Ruby等。



Getting access to external web pages are not permitted due to security credentials. But you can open and write to a web page via winInet APIs. Please go through the article

由于安全凭证,不允许访问外部网页。但您可以通过winInet API打开并写入网页。请仔细阅读这篇文章
