
时间:2021-10-10 06:40:54

In other words, how can I tell if the person using my web application is on the server it resides on? If I remember correctly, PHPMyAdmin does something like this for security reasons.


8 个解决方案



You can also use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] for which IP address of the client requesting is given by the web server.

您还可以使用$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], web服务器给出请求的客户端的IP地址。

$whitelist = array(

if(!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist)){
    // not valid



As a complement, as a function...


function isLocalhost($whitelist = ['', '::1']) {
    return in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist);



$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] should tell you the user's IP. It's spoofable, though.


Check this bounty question for a very detailed discussion.


I think what you remember with PHPMyAdmin is something different: Many MySQL Servers are configured so that they can only be accessed from localhost for security reasons.




Newer OS users (Win 7, 8) may also find it necessary to include an IPV6-format remote address in their whitelist array:

更新的操作系统用户(Win 7, 8)也可能发现有必要在他们的白名单数组中包含一个ipv6格式的远程地址:

$whitelist = array('', "::1");

if(!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist)){
    // not valid



It doesn't seem you should use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], because this is the value in http header, easily faked.


You may use $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] too, this is the more secure value, but it is also possible to fake. This remote_addr is the address where Apache returns result to.




If you want to have a whitelist / allowlist that supports static IPs and dynamic names.

如果您想要一个支持静态IPs和动态名称的whitelist / allowlist。

For example:


$whitelist = array("localhost", "", "devel-pc.ds.com", "liveserver.com");
if (!isIPWhitelisted($whitelist)) die();

This way you could set a list of names/IPs that will be able (for sure) to be detected. Dynamic names add more flexibility for accessing from different points.

通过这种方式,您可以设置一个名称/ ip列表,该列表将能够(肯定地)被检测到。动态名称增加了从不同点访问的灵活性。

You have two common options here, you could set a name in your local hosts file or you could just use one dynamic name provider that could be found anywhere.


This function CACHES results because gethostbyname is a very slow function.


For this pupose I've implemented this function:


function isIPWhitelisted($whitelist = false)
    if ( isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['isipallowed']) )
        { return $_SESSION['isipallowed'];  }

    // This is the whitelist
    $ipchecklist = array("localhost", "", "::1");
    if ($whitelist) $ipchecklist = $whitelist;

    $iplist = false;
    $isipallowed = false;

    $filename = "resolved-ip-list.txt";
    $filename = substr(md5($filename), 0, 8)."_".$filename; // Just a spoon of security or just remove this line

    if (file_exists($filename))
        // If cache file has less than 1 day old use it
        if (time() - filemtime($filename) <= 60*60*24*1)
            $iplist = explode(";", file_get_contents($filename)); // Read cached resolved ips

    // If file was not loaded or found -> generate ip list
    if (!$iplist)
        $iplist = array(); $c=0;
        foreach ( $ipchecklist as $k => $iptoresolve )
            // gethostbyname: It's a VERY SLOW function. We really need to cache the resolved ip list
            $ip = gethostbyname($iptoresolve);
            if ($ip != "") $iplist[$c] = $ip;

        file_put_contents($filename, implode(";", $iplist));

    if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $iplist)) // Check if the client ip is allowed
        $isipallowed = true;

    if (isset($_SESSION)) $_SESSION['isipallowed'] = $isipallowed;

    return $isipallowed;

For better reliability you could replace the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] for the get_ip_address() that @Pekka mentioned in his post as "this bounty question"

为了更好的可靠性,您可以将$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']替换为get_ip_address(), @Pekka在他的文章中提到这个问题为“赏金问题”



How about to compare $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to determine if client is on the same machine as server?

如何比较$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],以确定客户机是否与服务器位于同一台机器上?



I found a easy answer.


Because all local drives have C: or D: or F: ... etc.


Just detect if the second character is a :


if ( substr_compare(getcwd(),":",1,1) == 0)
echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert(" The working dir is at the local computer ")</script>';
    $client_or_server = 'client';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert(" The working dir is at the server ")</script>';
    $client_or_server = 'server';



You can also use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] for which IP address of the client requesting is given by the web server.

您还可以使用$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], web服务器给出请求的客户端的IP地址。

$whitelist = array(

if(!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist)){
    // not valid



As a complement, as a function...


function isLocalhost($whitelist = ['', '::1']) {
    return in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist);



$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] should tell you the user's IP. It's spoofable, though.


Check this bounty question for a very detailed discussion.


I think what you remember with PHPMyAdmin is something different: Many MySQL Servers are configured so that they can only be accessed from localhost for security reasons.




Newer OS users (Win 7, 8) may also find it necessary to include an IPV6-format remote address in their whitelist array:

更新的操作系统用户(Win 7, 8)也可能发现有必要在他们的白名单数组中包含一个ipv6格式的远程地址:

$whitelist = array('', "::1");

if(!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist)){
    // not valid



It doesn't seem you should use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], because this is the value in http header, easily faked.


You may use $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] too, this is the more secure value, but it is also possible to fake. This remote_addr is the address where Apache returns result to.




If you want to have a whitelist / allowlist that supports static IPs and dynamic names.

如果您想要一个支持静态IPs和动态名称的whitelist / allowlist。

For example:


$whitelist = array("localhost", "", "devel-pc.ds.com", "liveserver.com");
if (!isIPWhitelisted($whitelist)) die();

This way you could set a list of names/IPs that will be able (for sure) to be detected. Dynamic names add more flexibility for accessing from different points.

通过这种方式,您可以设置一个名称/ ip列表,该列表将能够(肯定地)被检测到。动态名称增加了从不同点访问的灵活性。

You have two common options here, you could set a name in your local hosts file or you could just use one dynamic name provider that could be found anywhere.


This function CACHES results because gethostbyname is a very slow function.


For this pupose I've implemented this function:


function isIPWhitelisted($whitelist = false)
    if ( isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['isipallowed']) )
        { return $_SESSION['isipallowed'];  }

    // This is the whitelist
    $ipchecklist = array("localhost", "", "::1");
    if ($whitelist) $ipchecklist = $whitelist;

    $iplist = false;
    $isipallowed = false;

    $filename = "resolved-ip-list.txt";
    $filename = substr(md5($filename), 0, 8)."_".$filename; // Just a spoon of security or just remove this line

    if (file_exists($filename))
        // If cache file has less than 1 day old use it
        if (time() - filemtime($filename) <= 60*60*24*1)
            $iplist = explode(";", file_get_contents($filename)); // Read cached resolved ips

    // If file was not loaded or found -> generate ip list
    if (!$iplist)
        $iplist = array(); $c=0;
        foreach ( $ipchecklist as $k => $iptoresolve )
            // gethostbyname: It's a VERY SLOW function. We really need to cache the resolved ip list
            $ip = gethostbyname($iptoresolve);
            if ($ip != "") $iplist[$c] = $ip;

        file_put_contents($filename, implode(";", $iplist));

    if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $iplist)) // Check if the client ip is allowed
        $isipallowed = true;

    if (isset($_SESSION)) $_SESSION['isipallowed'] = $isipallowed;

    return $isipallowed;

For better reliability you could replace the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] for the get_ip_address() that @Pekka mentioned in his post as "this bounty question"

为了更好的可靠性,您可以将$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']替换为get_ip_address(), @Pekka在他的文章中提到这个问题为“赏金问题”



How about to compare $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to determine if client is on the same machine as server?

如何比较$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],以确定客户机是否与服务器位于同一台机器上?



I found a easy answer.


Because all local drives have C: or D: or F: ... etc.


Just detect if the second character is a :


if ( substr_compare(getcwd(),":",1,1) == 0)
echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert(" The working dir is at the local computer ")</script>';
    $client_or_server = 'client';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert(" The working dir is at the server ")</script>';
    $client_or_server = 'server';