笨办法学python习题5 更多的变量和打印

时间:2021-09-10 03:25:11



my_name = 'Zed A. shaw'
my_age = 35 #not a lie
my_height = 74 #inch
my_weight = 180 #lbs
my_eyes = 'Blue'
my_teeth = 'White'
my_hair = 'Brown'

print("let's talk about my %s." %my_name)
print"He's %d inchs tall." %my_height
print"He's %d pounds heavy." %my_weight
print"Actually that's not too heavy."
print"He's got %s eyes and %s hair." %(my_eyes,my_hair)
print"His teeth are usually %s depending on the coffee."%my_teeth

#this line is tricky,try to get it exactly right
print"If I add %d , %d and %d I get %d." %(my_age , my_height , my_weight , my_age+my_height+my_weight)

mystuff simengred$ python ex5.py
let's talk about my Zed A. shaw.
He's 74 inchs tall.
He's 180 pounds heavy.
Actually that's not too heavy.
He's got Blue eyes and Brown hair.
His teeth are usually White depending on the coffee.
If I add 35 , 74 and 180 I get 289.


  1.  变量名的长度不受限制,但其中的字符必须是字母、数字、或者下划线(_),而不能使用空格、连字符、标点符号、引号或其他字符。
  2. 变量名的第一个字符不能是数字,而必须是字母或下划线。
  3. Python区分大小写。
  4. 不能将Python关键字用作变量名
  5. 还有一些以“_”打头的变量名有特殊的用法。