TExternalThread TThread -- Delphi -- Cannot terminate an externally created thread ?

时间:2021-07-18 00:49:14

Cannot terminate an externally created thread ?

The VCL has a new TExternalThread class which derives from TThread

and can be attached to an existing Win32 thread object by filling in

the Handle and ThreadID properties using the GetCurrentThread() and GetCurrentThreadId()

Win32 API functions instead of creating a new thread object by calling the Win32 API CreateThread() function.

The error you are seeing can only occur

if you are calling Terminate() on a TExternalThread instance.

This is correct, the exception is raised from a Terminate() call.

How shoud TExternalThreads be terminated?

A regular TThread object that you create yourself is not a TExternalThread instance.

The error message you are seeing cannot be raised by your own custom threads,

unless you have corrupted memory that causes the TThread.FExternalThread member to become a non-zero value.

The only thing in the VCL that creates TExternalThread instances is the TThread.GetCurrentThread() method.

You can't terminate a TExternalThread object, by design, because it represents a thread that TExternalThread does not own.

The *only* way you can get that error is if you call Terminate() on a TThread object

whose ExternalThread property is true,

such as a TThread object that was obtained from the TThread.GetCurrentThread() method.

But another possibility would be if random memory got corrupted

and the TThread.FExternalThread member was an unsuspecting victim of that corruption.

Is that possible, that XE4 creates TExternalThread by default ?


The *only* way TExternalThread is created is if the TThread.GetCurrentThread() method is called.

What is TExternalThread?

“Cannot terminate externally created thread” when terminating a thread-based timer

This happens half of the time when closing my application in

which I have placed a TLMDHiTimer on my form in design time, Enabled set to true.

In my OnFormClose event, I call MyLMDHiTimer.Enabled := false.

When this is called, I sometimes (about half of the time) get this exception.

I debugged and stepped into the call and found that it is line 246 in LMDTimer.pas that gives this error.


I am using the latest version of LMDTools.

I did a complete reinstall of LMD tools before the weekend and

have removed and re-added the component to the form properly as well.

From what I've found, this has something to do with TExternalThread,

but there's no documentation on it from Embarcadero and

I haven't found anything referencing it within the LMDTools source code.

Using fully updated RAD Studio 2010, Delphi 2010.

What really upsets me here is that there's no documentation whatsoever.

Google yeilds one result that actually talks about it, in which someone says that the error

is caused by trying to terminate a TExternalThread.

But looking at the source-code for this LMDHiTimer, not once does it aim to do anything but create a regular TThread.

The one google result I could find,

Thread: Cannot terminate an externally created thread?

on Embarcadero mentions using GetCurrentThread() and GetCurrentThreadId() to get the data necessary

to hook on to an existing thread, but the TLMDHiTimer does no such thing.

It just creates its own TThread descendant with its own Create() constructor

(overridden of course, and calls inherited at the start of the constructor)

So... What the heck is this TExternalThread?

Has anyone else run into this kind of exception?

And perhaps figured out a solution or workaround?

I've asked almost the exact same question to LMDTools' own support,

but it can't hurt to ask in multiple places.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

TExternalThread wraps a thread that the Delphi RTL didn't create.

It might represent a thread belonging to the OS thread pool,

or maybe a thread created by another DLL in your program.

Since the thread is executing code that doesn't belong to the associated TExternalThread class,

the Terminate method has no way to notify the thread that you want it to stop.

A Delphi TThread object would set its Terminated property to True,

and the Execute method that got overridden would be expected to check that property periodically,

but since this thread is non-Delphi code, there is no Execute method,

and any Terminated property only came into existence after the thread code was already

written someplace else (not by overriding Execute).

The newsgroup thread suggests what's probably happening in your case:

... you have corrupted memory that causes the TThread.FExternalThread member to become a non-zero value.

It might be due to a bug in the component library, or it could be due to a bug in your own code.

You can use the debugger's data breakpoints to try to find out.

Set a breakpoint in the timer's thread's constructor.

When your program pauses there, use the "Add Breakpoint" command

on the Run menu to add a data breakpoint using the address of the new object's FExternalThread field.

Thereafter, if that field's value changes, the debugger will pause and show you what changed it.

(The data breakpoint will get reset each time you run the program

because the IDE assumes the object won't get allocated at the same address each time.)

I did as you said, but the only time this breakpoint is triggered is

upon the destruction of the component at the closing of the application.

I hit Shift+F7 to trace to the next step in the source code

(using debug dcus, so I get to see all the underlying delphi classes too)

and the call stack looks as follows: pastebin.org/88904

That looks to me like it's just doing the regular destruction of form components.

The call stack you show is not the destruction of the timer component.

It looks like it's the destruction of some form.

Was the FExternalThread field still False?

What new value did that memory contain when the data breakpoint triggered?

Yes, it looks to be the destruction of my application's main form.

The Timer component is placed on it, which makes me interpret the call stack

as the component being destroyed during the form's destruction

(the form should destroy all components on it during destruction, right?)

It seems that when I evaluate the value of the address of FExternalThread,

it always comes up as true, even when the delphi debugger itself says that it is false.

I write down @FExternalThread and do Boolean($Addess) in evaluation

and get 'true' even during creation when just FExternalThread returns 'false'. –

Actually, no, nevermind.

I managed to propertly retrieve the value at the time the data breakpoint is triggered

using PBoolean($address)^ and it is indeed set to true.

Edit: Nope, happens on other computers too so it's supposedly something in this app I guess?

Still, it's weird that the data breakpoint only triggers during destruction and

the data is at that time already altered.

So my value has been changed without my application changing it?

I'm gonna have to try running this app on another computer to see if the same error happens there too

Aaaaaaaaand I ran it on a different computer, no difference.

I just stepped through my code down to the very last line of my application's .dproj

and found that the value at the address of FExternalThread during the creation of the thread is false the entire time

Is there any chance the code might be trying to Terminate an already Destroyed TThread?

This could easily happen if you have FreeOnTerminate set.

I noticed your post while diagnosing a similar (opposite?) error,

"Cannot call Start on a running or suspended thread"

in the constructor of a component placed on the main form.

When I removed the Start(), that error was replaced by more telling errors,

e.g. "invalid pointer operation" and "access violation",

in the corresponding destructor.

The component was trying to manipulate its TThread object after the TThread was Freed,

thus leaving things up to Murphy's law.

When I fixed that, I was able to replace the Start() call without the "Cannot call Start" error returning.

By analogy, could your problem be that the address of your FExternalThread had been recycled

and clobbered before the destructor/Terminate call?

In our case, we had a buggy implementation of the Singleton Instance Pattern;

but again, FreeOnTerminate also seems like a likely suspect.

[FYI: I'm using I'm using C++ under RAD Studio XE]

This same problem drove me nuts for several months.

I went over my thread code in detail until I nearly went blind.

Finally I bought a good exception system (EurekaLog) and

it drove me directly to a third party component that was causing the problem.

This component, TAbLED, has a property to set it to flash with some sort of timing thread.

Setting it to not flash solved the problem.

Problem is that FExternalThread isn't initialized to false by default

when you're creating TThread instance.

So you can't guarantee what value be in this variable

(sometimes there can be true, sometimes false).

Yes, the FExternalThread member is initialized when a TThread object is created.

Being a TObject descendant, all of the TThread members are zero-initialized upon allocation

before the TThread constructor is then called.

That means FExternalThread is implicitally initialized to False.

The only way FExternalThreadcan be set to true is

if either an actual TExternalThread object is created (such as by the TThread.GetCurrentThread() class method),

or if memory is being corrupted by the app's code.

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