【C#】数字后缀及其作用 | Numeric Literal Suffixes and Their Usage in C#

时间:2024-04-10 17:41:39

C#中的数字字面量后缀及其作用 | Numeric Literal Suffixes and Their Usage in C#


When programming in C#, we often need to use different types of numbers, such as integers, floating-point numbers, and high-precision numbers. To facilitate the representation of these numbers and clarify their data types, C# provides various numeric literal suffixes. This article will introduce the usage and effects of these suffixes in detail through examples.

1. mM后缀表示decimal类型 | m or M Suffix for decimal Type


The decimal type is used to represent high-precision decimal numbers. In C#, we can use the m or M suffix to specify a literal as the decimal type.

decimal price = 9.99m;
decimal tax = 1.50M;
decimal total = price + tax;
Console.WriteLine($"Total: {total}"); // 输出: Total: 11.49

2. fF后缀表示float类型 | f or F Suffix for float Type


The float type is used to represent single-precision floating-point numbers. By appending the f or F suffix to the end of a numeric literal, we can specify it as the float type.

float pi = 3.14159f;
float radius = 2.5F;
float area = pi * radius * radius;
Console.WriteLine($"Area: {area}"); // 输出: Area: 19.63495

3. dD后缀表示double类型 | d or D Suffix for double Type


The double type is used to represent double-precision floating-point numbers. If no suffix is specified, the numeric literal defaults to the double type. We can also explicitly use the d or D suffix.

double distance = 1000.0;
double time = 3600d;
double speed = distance / time;
Console.WriteLine($"Speed: {speed} m/s"); // 输出: Speed: 0.277777777777778 m/s

4. uU后缀表示uint类型 | u or U Suffix for uint Type


The uint type represents a 32-bit unsigned integer. By appending the u or U suffix to the end of an integer literal, we can specify it as the uint type.

uint age = 25u;
uint max = uint.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine($"Age: {age}, Max: {max}"); // 输出: Age: 25, Max: 4294967295

5. lL后缀表示long类型 | l or L Suffix for long Type


The long type represents a 64-bit signed integer. By appending the l or L suffix to the end of an integer literal, we can specify it as the long type.

long population = 7800000000L;
long milliseconds = 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24;
Console.WriteLine($"Population: {population}, Milliseconds in a day: {milliseconds}");
// 输出: Population: 7800000000, Milliseconds in a day: 86400000

6. uluLUlULluLulULU后缀表示ulong类型 | ul, uL, Ul, UL, lu, Lu, lU, or LU Suffix for ulong Type


The ulong type represents a 64-bit unsigned integer. By appending the ul, uL, Ul, UL, lu, Lu, lU, or LU suffix to the end of an integer literal, we can specify it as the ulong type.

ulong bytesInTB = 1024uL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
ulong maxValue = ulong.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine($"Bytes in a TB: {bytesInTB}, Max Value: {maxValue}");
// 输出: Bytes in a TB: 1099511627776, Max Value: 18446744073709551615


When writing C# code, proper use of numeric literal suffixes allows the compiler to correctly infer data types and reduces potential issues caused by implicit type conversions. Meanwhile, explicitly specifying data types also helps improve the self-documentation of the code, making it easier to understand and maintain.