
时间:2022-04-07 00:17:10

I am having a cherrypy application which calls a subprocess (subprocess.Popen), it works fine most of the time but sometimes it does not work. When I restart the server, the subprocess.popen get called and works fine. Is there a way to monitor threads in cherrypy and check why the subprocess.popen was not called.


Update: The thread continues the rest part of the code and I could the response, only problem is the subprocess is not called


sample code

def fn_test(self,**args):
    #return args['md5'].split()[0]
    final_html="the complete html"
    for i in ['ab','cd','ef']:

        if args.has_key(i):


    return final_html

1 个解决方案


For simple and occasional background tasks I recommend cherrypy.process.plugins.BackgroundTask. Take a look at this question for a complete example and other general consideration about background tasks.


Specifically, treating the subprocess issue, make sure you can reason about your background code's correctness. At least make several logging entries on start, stop and optionally before/after significant state changes in the module. Also for debugging propose replace your command with something really simple that is guaranteed to be bug-free. For example, date >> date.log. Then it'll be clear whether the issue originates from background module's flaw or from a process spawning issue.

具体来说,处理子流程问题,请确保您可以推断您的背景代码的正确性。至少在启动,停止和可选地在模块中的重大状态更改之前/之后进行多个日志记录条目。另外,对于调试建议,用一些非常简单的保证无错误的命令替换你的命令。例如,date >> date.log。然后很清楚问题是源于后台模块的缺陷还是来自进程产生问题。


For simple and occasional background tasks I recommend cherrypy.process.plugins.BackgroundTask. Take a look at this question for a complete example and other general consideration about background tasks.


Specifically, treating the subprocess issue, make sure you can reason about your background code's correctness. At least make several logging entries on start, stop and optionally before/after significant state changes in the module. Also for debugging propose replace your command with something really simple that is guaranteed to be bug-free. For example, date >> date.log. Then it'll be clear whether the issue originates from background module's flaw or from a process spawning issue.

具体来说,处理子流程问题,请确保您可以推断您的背景代码的正确性。至少在启动,停止和可选地在模块中的重大状态更改之前/之后进行多个日志记录条目。另外,对于调试建议,用一些非常简单的保证无错误的命令替换你的命令。例如,date >> date.log。然后很清楚问题是源于后台模块的缺陷还是来自进程产生问题。