【leetcode】1032. Stream of Characters

时间:2022-04-09 08:03:21


Implement the StreamChecker class as follows:

  • StreamChecker(words): Constructor, init the data structure with the given words.
  • query(letter): returns true if and only if for some k >= 1, the last k characters queried (in order from oldest to newest, including this letter just queried) spell one of the words in the given list.


StreamChecker streamChecker = new StreamChecker(["cd","f","kl"]); // init the dictionary.
streamChecker.query('a'); // return false
streamChecker.query('b'); // return false
streamChecker.query('c'); // return false
streamChecker.query('d'); // return true, because 'cd' is in the wordlist
streamChecker.query('e'); // return false
streamChecker.query('f'); // return true, because 'f' is in the wordlist
streamChecker.query('g'); // return false
streamChecker.query('h'); // return false
streamChecker.query('i'); // return false
streamChecker.query('j'); // return false
streamChecker.query('k'); // return false
streamChecker.query('l'); // return true, because 'kl' is in the wordlist


  • 1 <= words.length <= 2000
  • 1 <= words[i].length <= 2000
  • Words will only consist of lowercase English letters.
  • Queries will only consist of lowercase English letters.
  • The number of queries is at most 40000.



class TreeNode(object):
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.childDic = {}
self.isword = False class Trie(object):
dic = {}
def __init__(self):
Initialize your data structure here.
self.root = TreeNode(None)
self.dic = {} def insert(self,word):
node = self.root
for i in word:
if i not in node.childDic:
node.childDic[i] = TreeNode(i)
node = node.childDic[i]
node.isword = True
def isExist(self,word):
node = self.root
for i in word:
if i in node.childDic:
node = node.childDic[i]
if node.isword == True:
return True
return False class StreamChecker(object):
q = ''
def __init__(self, words):
:type words: List[str]
self.t = Trie()
for w in words:
self.t.insert(w[::-1]) def query(self, letter):
:type letter: str
:rtype: bool
#letter = letter[::-1]
self.q = letter + self.q
return self.t.isExist(self.q)

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