leetcode[158] Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times

时间:2022-05-06 08:56:53






// Forward declaration of the read4 API.
int read4(char *buf); class Solution {
* @param buf Destination buffer
* @param n Maximum number of characters to read
* @return The number of characters read
Solution() : buf_len() { }
int read(char *buf, int n) {
char buffer[];
int cnt = ;
if (buf_len > ) {
memcpy(buf, _buf, min(buf_len, n));
cnt += min(buf_len, n);
if (n < buf_len) {
memcpy(_buf, _buf + n, buf_len - n);
buf_len -= n;
} else {
buf_len = ;
int sz;
while(cnt < n) {
sz = read4(buffer);
memcpy(buf + cnt, buffer, sz);
cnt += sz;
if (sz < ) break;
if (cnt > n) {
buf[n] = '\0';
buf_len = cnt - n;
memcpy(_buf, buffer + (sz-buf_len), buf_len);
cnt = n;
return cnt;
int buf_len;
char _buf[];

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