RHEL 5 libudev的编译错误。没有这样的文件或目录。

时间:2022-03-22 00:32:04

All, I'm trying to compile some code that compiles in Ubuntu after getting the udev library from "apt-get". I am trying to get it to compile in RedHat 5 but am getting the following compile errors:

所有的,我正在尝试编译一些代码,这些代码在udev库从“apt-get”中获得后编译在Ubuntu中。我试着让它在RedHat 5中编译,但是我得到了以下编译错误:

error: libudev.h: No such file or directory


The question is similar to: QSerialDevice: Compilation error "libudev.h: No such file or directory"


However, instead of the failure happening on Ubuntu, it's happening on RedHat 5. I tried finding the RPM files for the udev library and got one RPM file from the following link. The RPM file was unsuccessful installing when I double clicked it stating:

然而,没有发生在Ubuntu上的失败,而是发生在RedHat 5上。我尝试找到udev库的RPM文件,并从以下链接获得了一个RPM文件。当我双击它时,RPM文件不成功安装:

"Cannot install source packages" "No packages were given for installation"




udev-147-2.42.el6.src.rpm is the name of the RPM

udev - 147 2.42.el6.src。rpm是rpm的名称。

Any help would be appreciated. Doing a search on Google is starting to lead me to believe that this libudev.h is only for Ubuntu? Is this true!?

如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。在谷歌上进行搜索开始让我相信这个libudev。h只适用于Ubuntu吗?这是真的! ?

1 个解决方案



Its only available for RedHat 6 not in RedHat 5.

它只适用于RedHat 6,而不是RedHat 5。




Its only available for RedHat 6 not in RedHat 5.

它只适用于RedHat 6,而不是RedHat 5。
