
时间:2021-11-27 21:32:16

I recently started using Sublime Text 2. What an awesome editor. It does a great job of highlighting Ruby code, but it does not highlight my Gemfile.


Is there a way to get it to do that?


I found this Gist but it has no instructions on how to use it.


4 个解决方案



There are at least three options:


  1. Switch syntax manually (not preferred, but easy; no explanation required)
  2. 手动切换语法(不是首选,但很容易;不需要解释)
  3. Add "Gemfile" to the list of Ruby-syntax files
  4. 将“Gemfile”添加到ruby语法文件列表
  5. Use the plugin you link to and create a package for it
  6. 使用你链接到的插件并为它创建一个包。

1. No explanation, but handy trick


You can bind a keystroke to set syntax without moving to the mouse.


I bound syntax changing to Ctrl-Opt-Space by adding the following to my user keybindings:


  { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+space"], 
    "command": "show_overlay", 
    "args": { "overlay": "command_palette", "text": "Set Syntax: " } }

2. Add "Gemfile" to list of Ruby-syntax files


  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • Linux:~ / config / / Ruby / Ruby.tmLanguage sublime-text-2 /包
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • Windows:% APPDATA % / 2 /包/ Ruby / Ruby.tmLanguage崇高文本

You can also get there by using the menu option Preferences -> Browse Packages and going into the Ruby package. Once you're in the file it'll be obvious: it's the <array> element with Ruby-looking filenames. Add <string>Gemfile</string> and you're all set.

您也可以通过使用菜单选项首选项->浏览包和进入Ruby包来实现。一旦进入文件,就很明显了:它是 元素,文件名像红宝石。添加 Gemfile ,设置完毕。

It's possible the setting could get overwritten on an upgrade; I'm not sure how that works with ST2–it may be cleaner to do it through code as in the snippet.


3. Using the snippet you linked to


More work (and the correction of one syntax error). You can either do it manually, by creating a directory in Packages (see above for location) or create an actual package and allow ST2 to install it.


I created a test package called "Syntax" and copied the snippet into it, restarted ST2, and opening a Gemfile worked as expected. The correction required an additional colon (new gist), nutshell:


elif name[-3] == "erb": # Needed a semi-colon here.
  set_sintax(view, "HTML (Rails)", "Rails")



If you are here but are using Sublime Text 3 you might not be able able to find the 'list of Ruby-syntax files' in packages.


Most other solutions found online were confusing to me.


I fixed this by manually changing Gemfile to Ruby in the bottom right hand corner file extension menu item when you have opened the file in Sublime Text 3 (which is what I had been doing each time I opened the file up until now).

我通过在右下角的文件扩展菜单项中手动将Gemfile更改为Ruby来修复这个问题,当您已经用Sublime Text 3打开文件时(这是我每次打开文件时一直在做的)。

Once you have selected ruby then go to Preferences -> Settings-More -> Syntax Specific-User

选择ruby之后,转到Preferences -> settingmore ->语法指定- user


When you navigate to Syntax Specific User it opens a file specific to the language that the file has syntax highlighting for. You may need to change the file back to whatever it is defaulting too (mine was 'Rd (R Documentation).sublime-settings') and removing Gemfile from that Syntax highlighting file.

当您导航到语法特定的用户时,它会打开一个特定于该文件语法高亮显示的语言的文件。您可能需要将该文件更改为默认的文件(我的文件是“Rd (R文档).sublime-settings”),并从语法突出显示文件中删除Gemfile。

In Ubuntu these files are stored at





The DetectSyntax plugin for ST2 provides a more comprehensive solution to highlighting files - It allows file highlighting based on rules. It's smart enough to understand the difference between a Rails file, other files that use .rb as an extension and standard ruby files.


The standard rules include Gemfile, Rakefile, Guardfile and others matched to Ruby for Syntax formatting.


See DetectSyntax on GitHub.




You can achieve this by copying the HTML.tmLanguage file in the User/ folder, this way it won't be overwritten by an update.




There are at least three options:


  1. Switch syntax manually (not preferred, but easy; no explanation required)
  2. 手动切换语法(不是首选,但很容易;不需要解释)
  3. Add "Gemfile" to the list of Ruby-syntax files
  4. 将“Gemfile”添加到ruby语法文件列表
  5. Use the plugin you link to and create a package for it
  6. 使用你链接到的插件并为它创建一个包。

1. No explanation, but handy trick


You can bind a keystroke to set syntax without moving to the mouse.


I bound syntax changing to Ctrl-Opt-Space by adding the following to my user keybindings:


  { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+space"], 
    "command": "show_overlay", 
    "args": { "overlay": "command_palette", "text": "Set Syntax: " } }

2. Add "Gemfile" to list of Ruby-syntax files


  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • Linux:~ / config / / Ruby / Ruby.tmLanguage sublime-text-2 /包
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.tmLanguage
  • Windows:% APPDATA % / 2 /包/ Ruby / Ruby.tmLanguage崇高文本

You can also get there by using the menu option Preferences -> Browse Packages and going into the Ruby package. Once you're in the file it'll be obvious: it's the <array> element with Ruby-looking filenames. Add <string>Gemfile</string> and you're all set.

您也可以通过使用菜单选项首选项->浏览包和进入Ruby包来实现。一旦进入文件,就很明显了:它是 元素,文件名像红宝石。添加 Gemfile ,设置完毕。

It's possible the setting could get overwritten on an upgrade; I'm not sure how that works with ST2–it may be cleaner to do it through code as in the snippet.


3. Using the snippet you linked to


More work (and the correction of one syntax error). You can either do it manually, by creating a directory in Packages (see above for location) or create an actual package and allow ST2 to install it.


I created a test package called "Syntax" and copied the snippet into it, restarted ST2, and opening a Gemfile worked as expected. The correction required an additional colon (new gist), nutshell:


elif name[-3] == "erb": # Needed a semi-colon here.
  set_sintax(view, "HTML (Rails)", "Rails")



If you are here but are using Sublime Text 3 you might not be able able to find the 'list of Ruby-syntax files' in packages.


Most other solutions found online were confusing to me.


I fixed this by manually changing Gemfile to Ruby in the bottom right hand corner file extension menu item when you have opened the file in Sublime Text 3 (which is what I had been doing each time I opened the file up until now).

我通过在右下角的文件扩展菜单项中手动将Gemfile更改为Ruby来修复这个问题,当您已经用Sublime Text 3打开文件时(这是我每次打开文件时一直在做的)。

Once you have selected ruby then go to Preferences -> Settings-More -> Syntax Specific-User

选择ruby之后,转到Preferences -> settingmore ->语法指定- user


When you navigate to Syntax Specific User it opens a file specific to the language that the file has syntax highlighting for. You may need to change the file back to whatever it is defaulting too (mine was 'Rd (R Documentation).sublime-settings') and removing Gemfile from that Syntax highlighting file.

当您导航到语法特定的用户时,它会打开一个特定于该文件语法高亮显示的语言的文件。您可能需要将该文件更改为默认的文件(我的文件是“Rd (R文档).sublime-settings”),并从语法突出显示文件中删除Gemfile。

In Ubuntu these files are stored at





The DetectSyntax plugin for ST2 provides a more comprehensive solution to highlighting files - It allows file highlighting based on rules. It's smart enough to understand the difference between a Rails file, other files that use .rb as an extension and standard ruby files.


The standard rules include Gemfile, Rakefile, Guardfile and others matched to Ruby for Syntax formatting.


See DetectSyntax on GitHub.




You can achieve this by copying the HTML.tmLanguage file in the User/ folder, this way it won't be overwritten by an update.
