
时间:2022-01-07 00:35:35

Here is the dictionary looks like:


{'57481': 50, '57480': 89, '57483': 110, '57482': 18, '57485': 82, '57484': 40}  

I would like to sort the dictionary in numerical order, the result should be:


{'57480': 89, '57481': 50, '57482': 18, '57483': 110, '57484': 40, '57485': 82} 

I tried sorted(self.docs_info.items) but it doesn't work.


3 个解决方案



If you only need to sort by key, you're 95% there already. Assuming your dictionary seems to be called docs_info:


for key, value in sorted(docs_info.items()): # Note the () after items!
    print(key, value)

Since dictionary keys are always unique, calling sorted on docs_info.items() (which is a sequence of tuples) is equivalent to sorting only by the keys.


Do bear in mind that strings containing numbers sort unintuitively! e.g. "11" is "smaller" than "2". If you need them sorted numerically, I recommend making the keys int instead of str; e.g.


int_docs_info = {int(k) : v for k, v in docss_info.items()}

This of course just changes the order in which you access the dictionary elements, which is usually sufficient (since if you're not accessing it, what does it matter if it's sorted?). If for some reason you need the dict itself to be "sorted", then you'll have to use collections.OrderedDict, which remembers the order in which items were inserted into it. So you could first sort your dictionary (as above) and then create an OrderedDict from the sorted (key, value) pairs:


sorted_docs_info = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(docs_info.items()))



Standard Python dicts are "unordered". You can use an OrderedDict, take a look at the docs:

标准Python dicts是“无序的”。您可以使用OrderedDict,看看文档:

from collections import OrderedDict

d = {'57481': 50, '57480': 89, '57483': 110, '57482': 18, '57485': 82, '57484': 40}
OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
# OrderedDict([('57480', 89), ('57481', 50), ('57482', 18), ('57483', 110), ('57484', 40), ('57485', 82)])



If repeatedly sorting elements and inserting them in an ordered dict is too slow, consider one of the sorted dict implementations on PyPI. A SortedDict data type efficiently maintains its keys in sorted order. The sortedcontainers module contains one such implementation.

如果重复排序元素并将它们插入有序的dict中太慢,请考虑PyPI上的一个已排序的dict实现。 SortedDict数据类型有效地按排序顺序维护其键。 sortedcontainers模块包含一个这样的实现。

Installation from PyPI is easy:


pip install sortedcontainers

If you can't pip install then simply copy down the sortedlist.py and sorteddict.py files from the open-source repository. SortedContainers is implemented in pure-Python but is fast-as-C implementations.

如果你不能pip install,那么只需从开源存储库中复制sortedlist.py和sorteddict.py文件。 SortedContainers在纯Python中实现,但是快速实现。

Once installed simply:


In [1]: from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

In [6]: SortedDict({'57481': 50, '57480': 89, '57483': 110, '57482': 18, '57485': 82, '57484': 40})
Out[6]: SortedDict({'57480': 89, '57481': 50, '57482': 18, '57483': 110, '57484': 40, '57485': 82})

The sortedcontainers module also maintains a performance comparison of several popular implementations.




If you only need to sort by key, you're 95% there already. Assuming your dictionary seems to be called docs_info:


for key, value in sorted(docs_info.items()): # Note the () after items!
    print(key, value)

Since dictionary keys are always unique, calling sorted on docs_info.items() (which is a sequence of tuples) is equivalent to sorting only by the keys.


Do bear in mind that strings containing numbers sort unintuitively! e.g. "11" is "smaller" than "2". If you need them sorted numerically, I recommend making the keys int instead of str; e.g.


int_docs_info = {int(k) : v for k, v in docss_info.items()}

This of course just changes the order in which you access the dictionary elements, which is usually sufficient (since if you're not accessing it, what does it matter if it's sorted?). If for some reason you need the dict itself to be "sorted", then you'll have to use collections.OrderedDict, which remembers the order in which items were inserted into it. So you could first sort your dictionary (as above) and then create an OrderedDict from the sorted (key, value) pairs:


sorted_docs_info = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(docs_info.items()))



Standard Python dicts are "unordered". You can use an OrderedDict, take a look at the docs:

标准Python dicts是“无序的”。您可以使用OrderedDict,看看文档:

from collections import OrderedDict

d = {'57481': 50, '57480': 89, '57483': 110, '57482': 18, '57485': 82, '57484': 40}
OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
# OrderedDict([('57480', 89), ('57481', 50), ('57482', 18), ('57483', 110), ('57484', 40), ('57485', 82)])



If repeatedly sorting elements and inserting them in an ordered dict is too slow, consider one of the sorted dict implementations on PyPI. A SortedDict data type efficiently maintains its keys in sorted order. The sortedcontainers module contains one such implementation.

如果重复排序元素并将它们插入有序的dict中太慢,请考虑PyPI上的一个已排序的dict实现。 SortedDict数据类型有效地按排序顺序维护其键。 sortedcontainers模块包含一个这样的实现。

Installation from PyPI is easy:


pip install sortedcontainers

If you can't pip install then simply copy down the sortedlist.py and sorteddict.py files from the open-source repository. SortedContainers is implemented in pure-Python but is fast-as-C implementations.

如果你不能pip install,那么只需从开源存储库中复制sortedlist.py和sorteddict.py文件。 SortedContainers在纯Python中实现,但是快速实现。

Once installed simply:


In [1]: from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

In [6]: SortedDict({'57481': 50, '57480': 89, '57483': 110, '57482': 18, '57485': 82, '57484': 40})
Out[6]: SortedDict({'57480': 89, '57481': 50, '57482': 18, '57483': 110, '57484': 40, '57485': 82})

The sortedcontainers module also maintains a performance comparison of several popular implementations.
