多个Google Analytics事件未作为转化进行跟踪

时间:2021-11-13 14:47:49

I have just created a Free Trial sign up form that consists of four stages. Each stage requires different information from a user and the form is navigated by clicking on 'continue' buttons once the required fields for a given stage is completed.


What I am trying to do is add a unique Google Event for each of the 'continue' buttons.


I have tried this (all stages are within the same HTML):


Stage 1 Continue button = ga ('send', 'event', 'freeTrialPage', 'Stage1');

阶段1继续按钮= ga('发送','事件','freeTrialPage','Stage1');

Stage 2 Continue button = ga ('send', 'event', 'freeTrialPage', 'Stage2');

阶段2继续按钮= ga('发送','事件','freeTrialPage','Stage2');

Stage 3 Continue button = ga ('send', 'event', 'freeTrialPage', 'Stage3');

阶段3继续按钮= ga('发送','事件','freeTrialPage','Stage3');

Stage 4 Create Account button = ga ('send', 'event', 'freeTrialPage', 'register');

第4阶段创建帐户按钮= ga('发送','事件','freeTrialPage','注册');

The events are all firing as expected (have used the debugger) and I can see results of successful hits by going to Real Time > Conversion > Goal Hits (Last 30 min) in Google Analytics.

这些事件都按预期启动(使用了调试器),我可以通过转到Google Analytics中的实时>转化>目标点击(最近30分钟)来查看成功点击的结果。

The issue is that only some (1-2) of the 'continue' button hits appear under Conversions > Goals > Overview (The Create Account button event on the other hand shows up as expected in both Real Time and Conversions Overview) in Google Analytics.

问题是只有部分(1-2)的“继续”按钮点击会出现在Google Analytics中的转化>目标>概述(另一方面,创建帐户按钮事件在实时和转化概述中按预期显示)中显示。

I am using the same google_conversion_id, google_conversion_label and Google Adwords Conversion img <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1234567890/?label=_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&amp;guid=ON&amp;script=0"/> (not the actual code) for all of the events, this could potentially be the issue, but I'm pretty sure it isn't.

我使用相同的google_conversion_id,google_conversion_label和Google Adwords转换img 多个Google Analytics事件未作为转化进行跟踪(不是实际代码)可能是问题,但我很确定它不是。

This is how I've been defining my goals: Google Goal setup:
多个Google Analytics事件未作为转化进行跟踪


I should also mention that I HAVE been getting data for Stage1, Stage2, and Stage3 events in Conversions > Goals > Overview but the numbers are so far removed from what I see under Real Time > Conversion > Goal Hits.


1 个解决方案



More of a work around solution than an answer


Turns out I was looking at the wrong view in Google Analytics.

事实证明我在Google Analytics中查看了错误的观点。

Conversions > Goals > Overview shows limited data for each event, so it wasn't registering every occurrence of the events firing.


Behaviour > Events > Overview then filtering to a particular action (of an event) shows all the occurrences of that event firing. Perfect for what I need to see.




More of a work around solution than an answer


Turns out I was looking at the wrong view in Google Analytics.

事实证明我在Google Analytics中查看了错误的观点。

Conversions > Goals > Overview shows limited data for each event, so it wasn't registering every occurrence of the events firing.


Behaviour > Events > Overview then filtering to a particular action (of an event) shows all the occurrences of that event firing. Perfect for what I need to see.
