solr 利用cul或solr界面单值更新

时间:2021-08-14 13:06:03


在实际的研发过程中,为方便测试往往需要更改solr字段值,但是除了依赖程序的更新solr本身界面是否支持我们进行solr字段的值更新呢 ,答案是肯定支持的 。


实际就是我们solr   query的documents:

其示例documents 修改值方法如下 :

"ADDRESSID": "89fe3cffd70311e681c8fa163ea75434",
set": "1"

我这的 示例是json类型的,但是原理都一样的 。

这里的commit,可以理解为一个拼装起来的 get请求.当然你也可以用curl来直接请求。具体示例便是下文的curl请求。


Solr supports several modifiers that atomically update values of a document.

  • set – set or replace a particular value, or remove the value if null is specified as the new value
  • add – adds an additional value to a list
  • remove – removes a value (or a list of values) from a list
  • removeregex – removes from a list that match the given Java regular expression
  • inc – increments a numeric value by a specific amount (use a negative value to decrement)


Update Modifier Example

First, let’s add a document representing a book:

$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update -d '
{"id" : "book1",
"title_t" : "Snow Crash", // text field
"copies_i" : 5,
"cat_ss" : "Science Fiction" // multi-valued string field


Now we can update that document, adding the author field, incrementing the number of copies we have, and adding an additional category:

$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update -d '
{"id" : "book1",
"author_s" : {"set":"Neal Stephenson"},
"copies_i" : {"inc":3},
"cat_ss" : {"add":"Cyberpunk"}


Now if we retrieve the document using real-time get, we will see the updated fields:

$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/get?id=book1
{  "doc": {    "id":"book1",    "title_t":["Snow Crash"],    "copies_i":8,    "cat_ss":["Science Fiction""Cyberpunk"],    "author_s":"Neal Stephenson",    "_version_":1408729977723027456}}


And finally, remove “Cyberpunk” from the cat field:

$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update -d '
{"id" : "book1",
"cat" : {"remove":"Cyberpunk"}



Atomic Updates with SolrJ

Here is an example of how to do a partial update via Solr’s Java client, SolrJ:

// create the SolrJ client
HttpSolrClient client
= new HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8983/solr");

// create the document
SolrInputDocument sdoc
= new SolrInputDocument();
<String,Object> fieldModifier = new HashMap<>(1);
sdoc.addField("cat", fieldModifier);
// add the map as the field value

add( sdoc ); // send it to the solr server

close(); // shutdown client before we exit


CloudSolrClient server = new CloudSolrClient(ZkHost);
server.setParser(new XMLResponseParser());
SolrInputDocument doc
= new SolrInputDocument();
<String, String> partialUpdate = new HashMap<String, String>();
set", memberType);
doc.addField("ADDRESSID", addressId);
doc.addField("MEMBERTYPE", partialUpdate);
doc.addField("LATESTUSETIME", DateUtils.getNow());