
时间:2022-02-17 06:44:45

I have the following query which takes about 10 minutes. I need this to be much quicker. Any ideas what can be done to tune this query? The r_pos_transaction_head table has a little under 500,000 records, and the r_pos_transaction_detl has a little under 900,000 records.

我有以下查询,大约需要10分钟。我需要这个更快。有什么想法可以做些什么来调整这个查询? r_pos_transaction_head表的记录略低于500,000,而r_pos_transaction_detl的记录略低于900,000。

I have created indexes where I thought appropriate (you can see these in use in the plan).


truncate table t_retail_history
insert into t_retail_history
  h.source_db as legacy_source_db,
  h.company as legacy_company,
  h.store_code as legacy_store_code,
  h.register as legacy_register,
  cast(h.register as char(1)) + '/' + cast(h.transaction_no as varchar(10)) as legacy_transaction_no,
  t_warehouse.store_number as store_number,
  h.transaction_no as reference,
  convert(varchar(10),dbo.datefromdays(h.date),103) as transaction_date,
  convert(varchar(5),dateadd(second,h.time,cast(cast(getdate() as date) as datetime)), 108) as transaction_time,
  d.product_code as legacy_product_code,
  coalesce(d.colour_no,0) as legacy_colour_no,
  coalesce(g_colour_name_replacement.new_colour_name,s.colour_name,'') as legacy_colour_name,
  coalesce(d.size_no,0) as legacy_size_no,
  coalesce(s.size_code,'') as legacy_size_code,
  d.price_inc_tax as legacy_price_inc_tax,
  d.sku_no as legacy_sku_no,
  null as barcode,
  d.quantity as qty,
  d.nett_total as sales_total,
  null as person_code,
  svi.r_pos_transaction_head h
inner join
  svi.r_pos_transaction_detl d on
  d.company = h.company
  and d.store_code = h.store_code
  and d.register = h.register
  and d.tx_code = h.transaction_no
inner join
  svi.g_skus s on
  s.company = h.company
  and s.product_code = d.product_code
  and (
    s.colour_position = d.colour_no
    or s.colour_position is null and d.colour_no = 0
  and (
    s.size_position = d.size_no
    or s.size_position is null and d.size_no = 0
left outer join
  g_colour_name_replacement on
  g_colour_name_replacement.product_code = d.product_code
  and g_colour_name_replacement.old_colour_name = s.colour_name
left outer join
  t_warehouse on
  t_warehouse.legacy_svi_code = right('000' + cast(h.store_code as nvarchar(5)),3)
  d.quantity <> 0
  and d.nett_total <> 0


Any help appreciated!


3 个解决方案



The query is correctly written, as everyone suggest, try to add some indexes on joined fields.


For me the bad part of the query is :


and (
    s.colour_position = d.colour_no
    or s.colour_position is null and d.colour_no = 0
and (
    s.size_position = d.size_no
    or s.size_position is null and d.size_no = 0

Because OR condition in INNER JOIN statement is performance killer. They are many trick to avoid it (like do 2 left join instead for each condition and then in where clause remove left join that occurs null).

因为INNER JOIN语句中的OR条件是性能杀手。它们是避免它的许多技巧(比如对每个条件执行2次左连接,然后在where子句中删除出现null的左连接)。

I just do some other research and I found this post on * that propose you something. You should try the Union option to not rebuild all your SELECT fields part.


I don't have time to rewrite all the query for you, keep me informed.




You can use indexed views in order to perform beter joining. Perform better indexing so instead of index scan it can use index seek. Image percentage sum is not 100% where is others?




It seems you don't have the required indexes to support your query. You should see if you can create indexes on the columns where you join.




The query is correctly written, as everyone suggest, try to add some indexes on joined fields.


For me the bad part of the query is :


and (
    s.colour_position = d.colour_no
    or s.colour_position is null and d.colour_no = 0
and (
    s.size_position = d.size_no
    or s.size_position is null and d.size_no = 0

Because OR condition in INNER JOIN statement is performance killer. They are many trick to avoid it (like do 2 left join instead for each condition and then in where clause remove left join that occurs null).

因为INNER JOIN语句中的OR条件是性能杀手。它们是避免它的许多技巧(比如对每个条件执行2次左连接,然后在where子句中删除出现null的左连接)。

I just do some other research and I found this post on * that propose you something. You should try the Union option to not rebuild all your SELECT fields part.


I don't have time to rewrite all the query for you, keep me informed.




You can use indexed views in order to perform beter joining. Perform better indexing so instead of index scan it can use index seek. Image percentage sum is not 100% where is others?




It seems you don't have the required indexes to support your query. You should see if you can create indexes on the columns where you join.
