
时间:2022-12-16 22:51:52

I have a data frame like this:


mydf <- data.frame(a,b,c) # edit note: do _not_ use cbind inside data.frame

My aim is to get add an extra column on the new data frame which will take the last value of column "c" taking into account the factor in column "a". More specifically, in this examlpe the end result is like this:


   a b    c   d
1  A 1 1345   0
2  A 2  645   0
3  A 3   75   0
4  A 4    8   8
5  B 1   95   0
6  B 2  678 678
7  C 1  598   0
8  C 2   95   0
9  C 3   75  75
10 D 1    4   0
11 D 2   53  53

2 个解决方案



If you don't need your variables to be all fators, there's a nice solution with dplyr:


df <- data.frame(a = c("A","A","A","A","B","B","C","C","C","D","D"),
                 c=c(1345,645,75,8,95,678,598,95,75,4,53),stringsAsFactors = F)    


df <- tbl_df(df)

df  %>% group_by(a)%>%
  mutate(d = ifelse(b == max(b),c[which(b == max(b))],0))

# A tibble: 11 x 4
# Groups:   a [4]
       a     b     c     d
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     A     1  1345     0
 2     A     2   645     0
 3     A     3    75     0
 4     A     4     8     8
 5     B     1    95     0
 6     B     2   678   678
 7     C     1   598     0
 8     C     2    95     0
 9     C     3    75    75
10     D     1     4     0
11     D     2    53    53



Using data.table:

 df <- data.frame(a,b,c)    
 df[, idx := .N, by = a]
 df[, id := 1:.N, by = a]
 df <- df[id == idx, d := c]
 df[, c("id", "idx") := NULL]
 df[is.na(df)] <- 0

    a b    c   d
 1: A 1 1345   0
 2: A 2  645   0
 3: A 3   75   0
 4: A 4    8   8
 5: B 1   95   0
 6: B 2  678 678
 7: C 1  598   0
 8: C 2   95   0
 9: C 3   75  75
10: D 1    4   0
11: D 2   53  53



If you don't need your variables to be all fators, there's a nice solution with dplyr:


df <- data.frame(a = c("A","A","A","A","B","B","C","C","C","D","D"),
                 c=c(1345,645,75,8,95,678,598,95,75,4,53),stringsAsFactors = F)    


df <- tbl_df(df)

df  %>% group_by(a)%>%
  mutate(d = ifelse(b == max(b),c[which(b == max(b))],0))

# A tibble: 11 x 4
# Groups:   a [4]
       a     b     c     d
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     A     1  1345     0
 2     A     2   645     0
 3     A     3    75     0
 4     A     4     8     8
 5     B     1    95     0
 6     B     2   678   678
 7     C     1   598     0
 8     C     2    95     0
 9     C     3    75    75
10     D     1     4     0
11     D     2    53    53



Using data.table:

 df <- data.frame(a,b,c)    
 df[, idx := .N, by = a]
 df[, id := 1:.N, by = a]
 df <- df[id == idx, d := c]
 df[, c("id", "idx") := NULL]
 df[is.na(df)] <- 0

    a b    c   d
 1: A 1 1345   0
 2: A 2  645   0
 3: A 3   75   0
 4: A 4    8   8
 5: B 1   95   0
 6: B 2  678 678
 7: C 1  598   0
 8: C 2   95   0
 9: C 3   75  75
10: D 1    4   0
11: D 2   53  53