
时间:2022-09-26 21:38:34

I am trying to create an array of fixed-length "strings" in C, but have been having a little trouble. The problem I am having is that I am getting a segmentation fault.


Here is the objective of my program: I would like to set the array's strings by index using data read from a text file. Here is the gists of my current code (I apologize that I couldn't add my entire code, but it is quite lengthy, and would likely just cause confusion):


//"n" is set at run time, and 256 is the length I would like the individual strings to be
char (*stringArray[n])[256];
char currentString[256];

//"inputFile" is a pointer to a FILE object (a .txt file)
fread(&currentString, 256, 1, inputFile);
//I would like to set the string at index 0 to the data that was just read in from the inputFile
strcpy(stringArray[i], &currentString);

1 个解决方案



Note that if your string can be 256 characters long, you need its container to be 257 bytes long, in order to add the final \0 null character.

请注意,如果您的字符串长度为256个字符,则需要其容器长度为257个字节,以便添加最终的\ 0 null字符。

typedef char FixedLengthString[257];
FixedLengthString stringArray[N];
FixedLengthString currentString;

The rest of the code should behave the same, although some casting might be necessary to please functions expecting char* or const char* instead of FixedLengthString (which can be considered a different type depending on compiler flags).

其余的代码应该表现相同,尽管可能需要某些转换来取悦期望char *或const char *而不是FixedLengthString的函数(根据编译器标志可以将其视为不同的类型)。



Note that if your string can be 256 characters long, you need its container to be 257 bytes long, in order to add the final \0 null character.

请注意,如果您的字符串长度为256个字符,则需要其容器长度为257个字节,以便添加最终的\ 0 null字符。

typedef char FixedLengthString[257];
FixedLengthString stringArray[N];
FixedLengthString currentString;

The rest of the code should behave the same, although some casting might be necessary to please functions expecting char* or const char* instead of FixedLengthString (which can be considered a different type depending on compiler flags).

其余的代码应该表现相同,尽管可能需要某些转换来取悦期望char *或const char *而不是FixedLengthString的函数(根据编译器标志可以将其视为不同的类型)。