在Objective C中初始化另一个类类型的数组

时间:2021-05-29 21:30:38

I have a variable usuario of type TuplaUsuario. When I insert its data, I want to initialize NSMutableArray cups to an Array of type TuplaCups. How can I do it?


Here is my code up to date:



@interface TuplaUsuario : NSObject
    NSMutableString* mensaje;
    NSString* usuario;
    NSString* password;
    NSMutableArray* cups;
    //More variables
//Property for each variable
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)identifier;

//Synthesize for each variable
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)identifier {
    if ( self = [super init] ) {
        mensaje = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        usuario = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        password = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        cups = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    return self;


@interface TuplaCups : NSObject {
    NSString* cups;
    NSString* tarifa;
    NSString* direccion;
    NSString* nombreUsuario;
    NSMutableArray* facturas;
//Property for each variable
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)identifier;

//Synthesize for each variable
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)identifier {
    if ( self = [super init] ) {
        cups = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        tarifa = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        direccion = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        nombreUsuario = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:identifier];
        facturas = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    return self;

2 个解决方案



Arrays (as in NSArray and NSMutableArray) in Objective-C are not typed, they can hold any object type and you can't easily restrict what's going in. So you are responsible for ensuring that only objects of the type you want go in. Usually, this isn't a problem unless you expose the mutable array so that other objects might put stuff into your array. In this case, it's better to provide accessors:


- (void)addFoo:(Foo *)foo {
    [myMutableArray addObject:foo];

- (void)removeFoo:(Foo *)foo {
    [myMutableArray removeObject:foo];

// Return an array of Foo instances.
- (NSArray *)foos {
    return [[myMutableArray copy] autorelease];



Objective-C doesn't have a concept of Generics like C# or C++ do. There are no templates after all. You just have to know what type of objects you've put into an array. If you are going to intermix them, you can use isKindOfClass: to test for the class.

Objective-C没有像C#或C ++这样的泛型概念。毕竟没有模板。您只需要知道放入数组的对象类型。如果要混用它们,可以使用isKindOfClass:来测试类。



Arrays (as in NSArray and NSMutableArray) in Objective-C are not typed, they can hold any object type and you can't easily restrict what's going in. So you are responsible for ensuring that only objects of the type you want go in. Usually, this isn't a problem unless you expose the mutable array so that other objects might put stuff into your array. In this case, it's better to provide accessors:


- (void)addFoo:(Foo *)foo {
    [myMutableArray addObject:foo];

- (void)removeFoo:(Foo *)foo {
    [myMutableArray removeObject:foo];

// Return an array of Foo instances.
- (NSArray *)foos {
    return [[myMutableArray copy] autorelease];



Objective-C doesn't have a concept of Generics like C# or C++ do. There are no templates after all. You just have to know what type of objects you've put into an array. If you are going to intermix them, you can use isKindOfClass: to test for the class.

Objective-C没有像C#或C ++这样的泛型概念。毕竟没有模板。您只需要知道放入数组的对象类型。如果要混用它们,可以使用isKindOfClass:来测试类。