
时间:2022-12-10 21:26:00

My issue related to GLib, C programming. When I initialize the struct GHashtable.

我的问题与GLib,C编程有关。当我初始化struct GHashtable时。

struct _GHashTable
gint             size;
gint             mod;
guint            mask;
gint             nnodes;
gint             noccupied;  /* nnodes + tombstones */

gpointer        *keys;
guint           *hashes;
gpointer        *values;

GHashFunc        hash_func;
GEqualFunc       key_equal_func;
gint             ref_count;
GDestroyNotify   key_destroy_func;
GDestroyNotify   value_destroy_func;


GHashTable *hash_table;
hash_table = (GHashTable *)malloc(sizeof(GHashTable));

Inside my hash_table, I have three arrays to store the keys, values, and hashes.


gpointer        *keys;
guint           *hashes;
gpointer        *values;

I initialize those arrays in the initialization function:


hash_table->keys = malloc(sizeof(gpointer) * hash_table->size);
hash_table->values             = hash_table->keys;
hash_table->hashes = malloc(sizeof(guint) * hash_table->size);

My question is when I display the hash_tables after I allocate memory, I found there is a number stored in the values array.


[0] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)
[1] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)
// Where is the 64273 comes from? Why other array are 
// initialized as 0 or null. Only this index is initialized like that?
[2] key: (null) hash: 64273 values: (null)
[3] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)
[4] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)
[5] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)
[6] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)
[7] key: (null) hash: 0 values: (null)

Do I have to initialize the keys, values and hashes array manually, assigning the values as 0 or NULL after allocating the memory for them?


Without assigning them as 0 or NULL, some random numbers or garbage numbers will come out like that?


Thank you.

2 个解决方案



From the man page for malloc():


malloc() allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is not cleared.


So memory allocated for your structure as well as your arrays are uninitialized. They could be zero or any other value.


If you want allocated memory to be zero'ed out, you need to use memset to do so:


hash_table = malloc(sizeof(GHashTable));
memset(hash_table, 0, sizeof(*hash_table));

In the case of your arrays, you can use calloc to do so, which also has the side effect of zeroing out the allocated memory:


hash_table->keys = calloc(hash_table->size, sizeof(gpointer));
hash_table->values = hash_table->keys;
hash_table->hashes = calloc(hash_table->size, sizeof(guint));

Also note that the return value of the malloc family of functions should NOT be type-casted in C. Doing so can hide errors in your code, such as a failure to #include <stdlib.h> Take a look at this question for more details.

另请注意,malloc函数族的返回值不应该在C中进行类型化。这样做可以隐藏代码中的错误,例如#include 查看此问题以获取更多信息细节。



You should not be initializing a GHashTable yourself. The GHashTable structure is incomplete in the public headers and is private API. It can change without notice. You should be calling g_hash_table_new (or g_hash_table_new_full), which will allocate memory and properly initialize the hash table.

你不应该自己初始化GHashTable。 GHashTable结构在公共标头中是不完整的,并且是私有API。它可以更改,恕不另行通您应该调用g_hash_table_new(或g_hash_table_new_full),它将分配内存并正确初始化哈希表。



From the man page for malloc():


malloc() allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is not cleared.


So memory allocated for your structure as well as your arrays are uninitialized. They could be zero or any other value.


If you want allocated memory to be zero'ed out, you need to use memset to do so:


hash_table = malloc(sizeof(GHashTable));
memset(hash_table, 0, sizeof(*hash_table));

In the case of your arrays, you can use calloc to do so, which also has the side effect of zeroing out the allocated memory:


hash_table->keys = calloc(hash_table->size, sizeof(gpointer));
hash_table->values = hash_table->keys;
hash_table->hashes = calloc(hash_table->size, sizeof(guint));

Also note that the return value of the malloc family of functions should NOT be type-casted in C. Doing so can hide errors in your code, such as a failure to #include <stdlib.h> Take a look at this question for more details.

另请注意,malloc函数族的返回值不应该在C中进行类型化。这样做可以隐藏代码中的错误,例如#include 查看此问题以获取更多信息细节。



You should not be initializing a GHashTable yourself. The GHashTable structure is incomplete in the public headers and is private API. It can change without notice. You should be calling g_hash_table_new (or g_hash_table_new_full), which will allocate memory and properly initialize the hash table.

你不应该自己初始化GHashTable。 GHashTable结构在公共标头中是不完整的,并且是私有API。它可以更改,恕不另行通您应该调用g_hash_table_new(或g_hash_table_new_full),它将分配内存并正确初始化哈希表。