通过Mono 2.8中的“Package for Linux”创建包的问题

时间:2022-12-27 17:40:29

I am using mono 2.8 with Visual Studio 2008. I have installed "mono-2.8-gtksharp-2.12.10-win32-9". I am creating a windows application and its setup solution is working fine on Windows OS. But when I am creating package for Linux and follow the instruction from http://mono-tools.com/Package.aspx

我在Visual Studio 2008中使用mono 2.8。我安装了“mono-2.8-gtksharp-2.12.10-win32-9”。我正在创建一个Windows应用程序,其安装解决方案在Windows操作系统上运行良好。但是当我为Linux创建软件包并遵循http://mono-tools.com/Package.aspx的说明时

Step-1 to Step-5 are done but after Step-5, I am clicking on Create Package and its do nothing even its not create any file into selected folder.


Please help..

1 个解决方案



When you choose the host for it to build the package on, make sure you are choosing a SUSE or RHEL server, or the process will silently fail.




When you choose the host for it to build the package on, make sure you are choosing a SUSE or RHEL server, or the process will silently fail.
