激活Clang中的c++ 11支持。

时间:2022-02-26 17:26:29

I've downloaded and built clang version 3.0 in order to play around a bit with C++11 features, however I get this error (even though I am using the -Wc++11-extensions flag).


S:\llvm\code>clang++.exe -Wc++11-extensions variadic.cpp
variadic.cpp:4:19: warning: variadic templates are a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
template <typename... Args>

S:\ llvm \ >叮当声+ +代码。exe wc + + 11-extensions可变。cpp可变。cpp:4:19:警告:变量模板是一个c++11扩展名[-Wc+ 11-extensions]模板 …arg游戏>

I've built clang with VS10 on Windows 7 (64bit) and the build passed successfully.

我在Windows 7(64位)上使用VS10构建了clang,并且成功地通过了构建。

Edit: As @cli_hlt pointed out this is a warning not an error, the error is something I did not paste unable to execute command: program not executable. The root cause for that was that link.exe was not in the PATH. Once I ran from a VS command prompt all was well.


1 个解决方案



You are getting a warning, not an error.


The -W switch is used to enable compiler warnings. So for my understanding, by using -Wc++11-extensions you tell the compiler to warn you if you are using C++11 extensions.


And thats exactly what happens here.




You are getting a warning, not an error.


The -W switch is used to enable compiler warnings. So for my understanding, by using -Wc++11-extensions you tell the compiler to warn you if you are using C++11 extensions.


And thats exactly what happens here.
