.NET Framework 3.5中有哪些有用的新ASP.NET功能?

时间:2020-12-27 17:02:22

I've kept up to date with new features in the C# language as it's moved from version 1 through version 3. I haven't done such a good job keeping up to date with ASP.NET. I feel like some of the post version 1 features are not so good (e.g. the AJAX framework) or are just not that useful to me (e.g. the membership framework). Can anyone recommend any new killer ASP.NET features that might have gone unnoticed?


13 个解决方案



For ASP.NET, you have a lot of improvements:


  • split view (code and design)
  • 拆分视图(代码和设计)

  • faster switching between code and design view
  • 更快地在代码和设计视图之间切换

  • embedded master pages (one master page in another)
  • 嵌入式母版页(另一个母版页)

  • javascript debugging

Anyway most of the useful stuff are really in the meat of the language, and for .NET 3.5 the new language features for C# 3.0 will be (and yes, I find ALL of them useful)

无论如何,大多数有用的东西都是真正的语言,对于.NET 3.5,C#3.0的新语言功能将是(并且是的,我发现它们都很有用)

  • anonymous objects
  • automatic properties
  • object initializers
  • collection initializers (inline initialization for collections)
  • 集合初始值设定项(集合的内联初始化)

  • implicit typing (var keyword)
  • 隐式类型(var关键字)

  • lambda expressions
  • LINQ
  • Extension methods

I might have forgotten a few, but I think this is about most of the new cool and useful stuff.




Check out the MVC framework which is built ontop of 3.5. Big improvement over the traditional webforms model.




I'm still learning ASP.net so I can't tell you exactly, but if you look through http://www.asp.net/learn/ you'll probably find a few new gems, there's even a 3.5 section.




ListView and its friend DataPager are probably worth looking at, but they're hardly "Killer" features.


Things outside of ASP.NET specifically (LINQ, for example) are probably more likely to be get the "Killer" commendation.




Its the MVC framework. Without 3.5, there is no MVC. Without MVC, ASP.NET is a PITA.




Master Pages

(of course, these are in there from version 2.0)


Nested master pages are new in 3.5. I haven't used them yet, but I can only imagine they could turn into a hidious nightmare if not used very carefully.


You only have to look at the order in which the events are fired in a page that uses a master page to think 'urgh'.




I don't think the MVC Framework is quite ready for prime time yet


Just an FYI, this site is built in MVC. I also have 2 apps in production on mvc, I would argue that its definitely ready for prime time.




@IainMH Nested Master Pages were always supported by ASP.NET, just not by the designer.




As others have said, there's a good list at www.asp.net/learn. I think the biggest ASP.NET specific changes are:


  • Official ASP.NET AJAX integration
  • 官方ASP.NET AJAX集成

  • ListView (much better than the GridView / DataView in that they let you write out clean HTML)
  • ListView(比GridView / DataView要好得多,因为它们可以让你写出干净的HTML)

  • Big improvements to the IDE for CSS / HTML editing
  • 用于CSS / HTML编辑的IDE的重大改进

  • Javascript debugging

Note that ASP.NET MVC is not released yet, and was definitely not included with ASP.NET 3.5.

请注意,ASP.NET MVC尚未发布,并且绝对不包含在ASP.NET 3.5中。



Here's a brief list of my favourites:


  • LINQ
  • Extension Methods
  • Lambda Methods

And I don't actually use ASP.NET, but ASP.NET AJAX is now included in 3.5 too and ASP.NET MVC is included in 3.5 SP1.

我实际上并不使用ASP.NET,但ASP.NET AJAX现在也包含在3.5中,而ASP.NET MVC包含在3.5 SP1中。



I don't think the MVC Framework is quite ready for prime time yet, though I definitely plan to use it sometime next year. I love the clean URLs, clean XHTML (web forms can really spew out some nasty HTML) and the ability to create controller actions with no associated view.


I've been using Master Pages since they were released and they've been a big help. I do really dislike the way the master pages add the nasty prefixes to the control IDs. It makes for some ugly CSS. I think the MVC Framework may eliminate this problem though.

我一直在使用Master Pages,因为它们已经发布,它们已经得到了很大的帮助。我真的不喜欢母版页添加令人讨厌的前缀到控件ID的方式。这使得一些丑陋的CSS。我认为MVC框架可能会消除这个问题。

Any other killer features?




The split design/code view is pretty cool. It's not perfect yet, but it's pretty cool. Also editing in the design view now edits your css there and then.




also Dynamic Data have to be consider




For ASP.NET, you have a lot of improvements:


  • split view (code and design)
  • 拆分视图(代码和设计)

  • faster switching between code and design view
  • 更快地在代码和设计视图之间切换

  • embedded master pages (one master page in another)
  • 嵌入式母版页(另一个母版页)

  • javascript debugging

Anyway most of the useful stuff are really in the meat of the language, and for .NET 3.5 the new language features for C# 3.0 will be (and yes, I find ALL of them useful)

无论如何,大多数有用的东西都是真正的语言,对于.NET 3.5,C#3.0的新语言功能将是(并且是的,我发现它们都很有用)

  • anonymous objects
  • automatic properties
  • object initializers
  • collection initializers (inline initialization for collections)
  • 集合初始值设定项(集合的内联初始化)

  • implicit typing (var keyword)
  • 隐式类型(var关键字)

  • lambda expressions
  • LINQ
  • Extension methods

I might have forgotten a few, but I think this is about most of the new cool and useful stuff.




Check out the MVC framework which is built ontop of 3.5. Big improvement over the traditional webforms model.




I'm still learning ASP.net so I can't tell you exactly, but if you look through http://www.asp.net/learn/ you'll probably find a few new gems, there's even a 3.5 section.




ListView and its friend DataPager are probably worth looking at, but they're hardly "Killer" features.


Things outside of ASP.NET specifically (LINQ, for example) are probably more likely to be get the "Killer" commendation.




Its the MVC framework. Without 3.5, there is no MVC. Without MVC, ASP.NET is a PITA.




Master Pages

(of course, these are in there from version 2.0)


Nested master pages are new in 3.5. I haven't used them yet, but I can only imagine they could turn into a hidious nightmare if not used very carefully.


You only have to look at the order in which the events are fired in a page that uses a master page to think 'urgh'.




I don't think the MVC Framework is quite ready for prime time yet


Just an FYI, this site is built in MVC. I also have 2 apps in production on mvc, I would argue that its definitely ready for prime time.




@IainMH Nested Master Pages were always supported by ASP.NET, just not by the designer.




As others have said, there's a good list at www.asp.net/learn. I think the biggest ASP.NET specific changes are:


  • Official ASP.NET AJAX integration
  • 官方ASP.NET AJAX集成

  • ListView (much better than the GridView / DataView in that they let you write out clean HTML)
  • ListView(比GridView / DataView要好得多,因为它们可以让你写出干净的HTML)

  • Big improvements to the IDE for CSS / HTML editing
  • 用于CSS / HTML编辑的IDE的重大改进

  • Javascript debugging

Note that ASP.NET MVC is not released yet, and was definitely not included with ASP.NET 3.5.

请注意,ASP.NET MVC尚未发布,并且绝对不包含在ASP.NET 3.5中。



Here's a brief list of my favourites:


  • LINQ
  • Extension Methods
  • Lambda Methods

And I don't actually use ASP.NET, but ASP.NET AJAX is now included in 3.5 too and ASP.NET MVC is included in 3.5 SP1.

我实际上并不使用ASP.NET,但ASP.NET AJAX现在也包含在3.5中,而ASP.NET MVC包含在3.5 SP1中。



I don't think the MVC Framework is quite ready for prime time yet, though I definitely plan to use it sometime next year. I love the clean URLs, clean XHTML (web forms can really spew out some nasty HTML) and the ability to create controller actions with no associated view.


I've been using Master Pages since they were released and they've been a big help. I do really dislike the way the master pages add the nasty prefixes to the control IDs. It makes for some ugly CSS. I think the MVC Framework may eliminate this problem though.

我一直在使用Master Pages,因为它们已经发布,它们已经得到了很大的帮助。我真的不喜欢母版页添加令人讨厌的前缀到控件ID的方式。这使得一些丑陋的CSS。我认为MVC框架可能会消除这个问题。

Any other killer features?




The split design/code view is pretty cool. It's not perfect yet, but it's pretty cool. Also editing in the design view now edits your css there and then.




also Dynamic Data have to be consider
