fedora sed命令替换特殊字符

时间:2022-07-24 16:53:04

i am totally new to sed and as part of script writing i am trying to replace specific string from a fiel. I know the special characters need to be escaped using backslash but the problem is if the special character is first in the line then it is not replaced....


For e.g my file contains


sldgfkls $bdxcv sldflksd

Now if i write the below code


sed -i 's/\b\$bdxcv\b/abcd/' filename

Then the above word is not replaced....But if the file contains


sldgfkls a$bdxcv sldflksd

Now if i write the below code


sed -i 's/\ba\$bdxcv\b/abcd/' filename

Then the above word is replaced..... Please Help me here....


2 个解决方案



Clearly, \b does not consider a dollar sign to be a word character, so there is no word boundary for it to match between space and $.

显然,\ b不会将美元符号视为单词字符,因此在空格和$之间没有字边界。

Perhaps you want this instead:


sed -i 's/\(^\|[\t ]\)\$bdxcv\b/\1abcd/' filename

Assuming yours is GNU sed, see https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html which contains this definition:

假设您的是GNU sed,请参阅https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html,其中包含以下定义:

A “word” character is any letter or digit or the underscore character.


and thus not dollar sign.




sed cannot operator on strings, only regular expressions. Trying to figure out which characters need to be escaped to disable their regexp (or sed delimiter or sed backreference) meaning to make a regexp in sed behave as if it were a string is a fool's errand, just use a tool that can operate on strings, e.g. awk.


$ awk '{for (i=1;i<NF;i++) if ($i == "$bdxcv") $i="abcd"} 1' file
sldgfkls abcd sldflks

The above uses string comparison and string assignment - no need to escape anything unless one of the strings contained the string delimiter, ".

以上使用字符串比较和字符串赋值 - 除非其中一个字符串包含字符串分隔符,否则无需转义任何内容。“



Clearly, \b does not consider a dollar sign to be a word character, so there is no word boundary for it to match between space and $.

显然,\ b不会将美元符号视为单词字符,因此在空格和$之间没有字边界。

Perhaps you want this instead:


sed -i 's/\(^\|[\t ]\)\$bdxcv\b/\1abcd/' filename

Assuming yours is GNU sed, see https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html which contains this definition:

假设您的是GNU sed,请参阅https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html,其中包含以下定义:

A “word” character is any letter or digit or the underscore character.


and thus not dollar sign.




sed cannot operator on strings, only regular expressions. Trying to figure out which characters need to be escaped to disable their regexp (or sed delimiter or sed backreference) meaning to make a regexp in sed behave as if it were a string is a fool's errand, just use a tool that can operate on strings, e.g. awk.


$ awk '{for (i=1;i<NF;i++) if ($i == "$bdxcv") $i="abcd"} 1' file
sldgfkls abcd sldflks

The above uses string comparison and string assignment - no need to escape anything unless one of the strings contained the string delimiter, ".

以上使用字符串比较和字符串赋值 - 除非其中一个字符串包含字符串分隔符,否则无需转义任何内容。“