如何制作我的Visual Studio解决方案文件的模板?

时间:2023-02-09 15:02:23

i use n-tier programing on c# and i want to make a template to generate code easily (this is .cs, .csproj and .sln)


my question is, how can i make it? and if exist a software, which one you recomend???


it will be very useful your opinion


3 个解决方案


Another templating engine is known as T4. This is built in to Visual Studio.

另一种模板引擎称为T4。这是内置于Visual Studio。

Scott Hanselman wrote about this in a blog post.

Scott Hanselman在博文中写到了这一点。


A good templating and code generation engine is codesmith.


Code smith should be able to generate all the types of files you are looking for, SLN, CSProj and CS files.

Code smith应该能够生成您正在寻找的所有类型的文件,SLN,CSProj和CS文件。

You can also use the Visual Studio SDK to create project templates.

您还可以使用Visual Studio SDK创建项目模板。


Solution Factory: http://solutionfactory.codeplex.com/releases/view/26598



Another templating engine is known as T4. This is built in to Visual Studio.

另一种模板引擎称为T4。这是内置于Visual Studio。

Scott Hanselman wrote about this in a blog post.

Scott Hanselman在博文中写到了这一点。


A good templating and code generation engine is codesmith.


Code smith should be able to generate all the types of files you are looking for, SLN, CSProj and CS files.

Code smith应该能够生成您正在寻找的所有类型的文件,SLN,CSProj和CS文件。

You can also use the Visual Studio SDK to create project templates.

您还可以使用Visual Studio SDK创建项目模板。


Solution Factory: http://solutionfactory.codeplex.com/releases/view/26598
