calabash -ios链接错误:“_kSecAttrSynchronizableAny”,引用自:-[LPSSKeychainQuery查询]在葫芦(LPSSKeychainQuery.o)中。

时间:2021-09-13 09:45:05

I got a link error when trying to run a ..-cal target of calabash-ios project.

当我试图运行时,我得到了一个链接错误。- calabash-ios项目的目标。

The error is:


     `Ld /Users/balaiyan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/delete-fdnlnapawhvvmpgxjbbzoopkiefe/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ normal i386
        cd /Users/balaiyan/dev/automation/apps/delete
        setenv PATH "/Applications/"
        /Applications/ -arch i386 -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/balaiyan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/delete-fdnlnapawhvvmpgxjbbzoopkiefe/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/balaiyan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/delete-fdnlnapawhvvmpgxjbbzoopkiefe/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/balaiyan/dev/automation/apps/delete -filelist /Users/balaiyan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/delete-fdnlnapawhvvmpgxjbbzoopkiefe/Build/Intermediates/ -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -force_load /Users/balaiyan/dev/automation/apps/delete/calabash.framework/calabash -lstdc++ -fobjc-link-runtime -Xlinker -no_implicit_dylibs -mios-simulator-version-min=6.1 -framework Security -framework CFNetwork -framework UIKit -framework Foundation -framework CoreGraphics -framework calabash -o /Users/balaiyan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/delete-fdnlnapawhvvmpgxjbbzoopkiefe/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/

    Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
      "_kSecAttrSynchronizableAny", referenced from:
          -[LPSSKeychainQuery query] in calabash(LPSSKeychainQuery.o)
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Got the above error after solving the one in picture below


calabash -ios链接错误:“_kSecAttrSynchronizableAny”,引用自:-[LPSSKeychainQuery查询]在葫芦(LPSSKeychainQuery.o)中。Calabash link error after following steps at


I am doing first time calabash setup for iOS at my Home iMac, that runs on OS X Lion,
XCode version 4.6.2,
updated ruby to ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [x86_64-darwin12.5.0]

我第一次在家里的iMac电脑上安装了calabash系统,它运行在OS X Lion上,XCode版本4.6.2,更新的ruby到ruby 2.0.0p451(2014-02-24修订45167)[x86_64-darwin12.5.0]

While installing ruby found this on terminal


   ruby-2.0.0-p451 - #generating default wrappers........
   Updating certificates in '/etc/openssl/cert.pem'.
   mkdir: /etc/openssl: Permission denied
   apples-iMac:~ balaiyan$ rvm osx-ssl-certs status all
   Certificates for /etc/openssl/cert.pem: Up to date.

not sure if this is creating the problem.


I had previously done these steps on a office Macbook pro running Mavericks, and didnt find any problem. Does it mean the latest calabash-ios has any backwards compatibility issue, or is it something to do with my keychain. Need some help.

我以前在办公室的Macbook pro上做了这些步骤,但没有发现任何问题。这是否意味着最新的calabashios有向后兼容的问题,或者它与我的钥匙链有关。需要一些帮助。

1 个解决方案



The current version of calabash, 0.9.169, contains iOS 7 symbols. One of which is kSecAttrSynchronizableAny.

当前版本的calabash, 0.9.169,包含ios7符号。其中之一是kSecAttrSynchronizableAny。

To use this version, the base SDK must be at least 7.0. The minimum deployment target can still be as low as 5.1.1.


The last version that support a base SDK of 6.0 was 0.9.167.


0.9.168 was released in March. We decided to drop support for base SDK < 7.0 because Apple stopped accepting AppStore submissions that used base SDK < 7.0.

0.9.168在三月发布。我们决定放弃对基础SDK < 7.0的支持,因为苹果停止接受使用基础SDK < 7.0的AppStore提交。

Can you upgrade your Xcode to 5.1.1 and bump your base SDK to 7.0?


If you must downgrade your gem version, please make sure to replace your existing calabash.framework and link in the version that is compatible with your version.




The current version of calabash, 0.9.169, contains iOS 7 symbols. One of which is kSecAttrSynchronizableAny.

当前版本的calabash, 0.9.169,包含ios7符号。其中之一是kSecAttrSynchronizableAny。

To use this version, the base SDK must be at least 7.0. The minimum deployment target can still be as low as 5.1.1.


The last version that support a base SDK of 6.0 was 0.9.167.


0.9.168 was released in March. We decided to drop support for base SDK < 7.0 because Apple stopped accepting AppStore submissions that used base SDK < 7.0.

0.9.168在三月发布。我们决定放弃对基础SDK < 7.0的支持,因为苹果停止接受使用基础SDK < 7.0的AppStore提交。

Can you upgrade your Xcode to 5.1.1 and bump your base SDK to 7.0?


If you must downgrade your gem version, please make sure to replace your existing calabash.framework and link in the version that is compatible with your version.
