如何将RTF插入到wxpython RichTextCtrl中?

时间:2023-01-23 07:17:24

Is there a way to directly insert RTF text in a RichTextCtrl, ex:without going through BeginTextColour? I would like to use pygments together with the RichTextCtrl.


1 个解决方案


No. As authors admit in wxRichTextCtrl roadmap:


This is a list of some of the features that have yet to be implemented. Help with them will be appreciated.


  • RTF input and output
  • RTF输入和输出


No. As authors admit in wxRichTextCtrl roadmap:


This is a list of some of the features that have yet to be implemented. Help with them will be appreciated.


  • RTF input and output
  • RTF输入和输出