如何在Perl 6中缩短数组?

时间:2021-05-28 03:38:02

How could I cut off an array or an array-reference in Perl 6?

我如何在Perl 6中切断数组或数组引用?

In Perl 5, I can do this:

在Perl 5中,我可以这样做:

my $d = [0 .. 9];
$#$d = 4;

In Perl 6, I get an error if I try this:

在Perl 6中,如果我尝试这个,我会收到错误:

my $d = [0 .. 9];
$d.end = 4; # Cannot modify an immutable Int

This works, but it looks less beautiful than the Perl 5 way and may be expensive:

这可行,但它看起来不如Perl 5方式漂亮,可能很昂贵:

 $d.=splice(0, 5);

3 个解决方案



There is a simple way:


my $d = [0..9];

$d[5..*] :delete;

That is problematic if the array is an infinite one.


$d.splice(5) also has the same problem.

$ d.splice(5)也有同样的问题。

Your best bet is likely to be $d = [ $d[^5] ] in the average case where you may not know anything about the array, and need a mutable Array.

在平均情况下你最好的选择可能是$ d = [$ d [^ 5]],你可能对阵列一无所知,需要一个可变数组。

If you don't need it to be mutable $d = $d[^5] which returns a List may be better.

如果你不需要它是可变的$ d = $ d [^ 5],它返回一个List可能会更好。



splice is probably the best choice here, but you can also shorten to five elements using the ^N range constructor shortcut (I call this the "up until" "operator" but I am sure there is a more correct name since it is a constructor of a Range):

splice可能是这里最好的选择,但你也可以使用^ N范围构造函数快捷方式缩短到五个元素(我称之为“直到”“运算符”但我确信有一个更正确的名称,因为它是一个构造函数范围):

> my $d = [ 0 .. 9 ];
> $d.elems
> 10
> $d = [ $d[^5] ]
[0 1 2 3 4]
> $d.elems
> $d
[0 1 2 3 4]

"The caret is ... a prefix operator for constructing numeric ranges starting from zero".
                                                                                  (From the Range documentation)

“插入符号是......用于构造从零开始的数值范围的前缀运算符”。 (来自Range文档)

One can argue that perl6 is "perl-ish" in the sense it usually has an explicit version of some operation (using a kind of "predictable" syntax - a method, a routine, and :adverb, etc.) that is understandable if you are not familiar with the language, and then a shortcut-ish variant.

有人可以说perl6是“perl-ish”,因为它通常具有某种操作的显式版本(使用一种“可预测”的语法 - 方法,例程和:副词等),这是可以理解的你不熟悉这种语言,然后是一种快捷方式。

I'm not sure which approach (splice vs. the shortcut vs. using :delete as Brad Gilbert mentions) would have an advantage in speed or memory use. If you run:

我不确定哪种方法(拼接与快捷方式与使用方式:删除方式为Brad Gilbert提及)在速度或内存使用方面具有优势。如果您运行:

perl6 --profile -e 'my $d = [ 0 .. 9 ]; $d=[ $d[^5] ]'
perl6 --profile -e 'my $d = [ 0 .. 9 ]; $d.=splice(0, 5);'

you can see a slight difference. The difference might be more significant if you compared with a real program and workload.




Another option is using the xx operator:


my $d = [0..9];

$d.pop xx 4;  #-> (9 8 7 6)
say $d;       #-> [0 1 2 3 4 5]

$d = [0..9];

$d.shift xx 5 #-> (0 1 2 3 4)
say $d;       #-> [5 6 7 8 9)



There is a simple way:


my $d = [0..9];

$d[5..*] :delete;

That is problematic if the array is an infinite one.


$d.splice(5) also has the same problem.

$ d.splice(5)也有同样的问题。

Your best bet is likely to be $d = [ $d[^5] ] in the average case where you may not know anything about the array, and need a mutable Array.

在平均情况下你最好的选择可能是$ d = [$ d [^ 5]],你可能对阵列一无所知,需要一个可变数组。

If you don't need it to be mutable $d = $d[^5] which returns a List may be better.

如果你不需要它是可变的$ d = $ d [^ 5],它返回一个List可能会更好。



splice is probably the best choice here, but you can also shorten to five elements using the ^N range constructor shortcut (I call this the "up until" "operator" but I am sure there is a more correct name since it is a constructor of a Range):

splice可能是这里最好的选择,但你也可以使用^ N范围构造函数快捷方式缩短到五个元素(我称之为“直到”“运算符”但我确信有一个更正确的名称,因为它是一个构造函数范围):

> my $d = [ 0 .. 9 ];
> $d.elems
> 10
> $d = [ $d[^5] ]
[0 1 2 3 4]
> $d.elems
> $d
[0 1 2 3 4]

"The caret is ... a prefix operator for constructing numeric ranges starting from zero".
                                                                                  (From the Range documentation)

“插入符号是......用于构造从零开始的数值范围的前缀运算符”。 (来自Range文档)

One can argue that perl6 is "perl-ish" in the sense it usually has an explicit version of some operation (using a kind of "predictable" syntax - a method, a routine, and :adverb, etc.) that is understandable if you are not familiar with the language, and then a shortcut-ish variant.

有人可以说perl6是“perl-ish”,因为它通常具有某种操作的显式版本(使用一种“可预测”的语法 - 方法,例程和:副词等),这是可以理解的你不熟悉这种语言,然后是一种快捷方式。

I'm not sure which approach (splice vs. the shortcut vs. using :delete as Brad Gilbert mentions) would have an advantage in speed or memory use. If you run:

我不确定哪种方法(拼接与快捷方式与使用方式:删除方式为Brad Gilbert提及)在速度或内存使用方面具有优势。如果您运行:

perl6 --profile -e 'my $d = [ 0 .. 9 ]; $d=[ $d[^5] ]'
perl6 --profile -e 'my $d = [ 0 .. 9 ]; $d.=splice(0, 5);'

you can see a slight difference. The difference might be more significant if you compared with a real program and workload.




Another option is using the xx operator:


my $d = [0..9];

$d.pop xx 4;  #-> (9 8 7 6)
say $d;       #-> [0 1 2 3 4 5]

$d = [0..9];

$d.shift xx 5 #-> (0 1 2 3 4)
say $d;       #-> [5 6 7 8 9)