ClassCastException字符串到MValue, java 8 [duplicate]

时间:2021-11-08 13:48:15

This question already has an answer here:


I have an interface


public interface MValue extends SomeOtherInterface, Serializable

and I use it in another interface like so


    public interface DomainObject extends Iterable<FieldValueAssociation>, Cloneable, Serializable {
     void add(DomainField field, MValue... values);
<T> T get(DomainField field);

and when I call this in some other class I set


subDomain.add(DomainField.ZIP, d.get(DomainField.ZIP));

On java 7 this works fine, but on java 8 I get java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to net.blabla.domain.MValue

在java 7上,这很好,但是在java 8上我得到了java.lang。ClassCastException:. lang。不能将字符串转换为net.blabla.domain.MValue。

d.get(DomainField.ZIP) should return String, and it is, but it cannot be casted to MValue, and I dont know why? Can someone explain or refer me to some documentation. Thanks.


1 个解决方案



So does that work?


subDomain.add(DomainField.ZIP, d.<String>get(DomainField.ZIP));

Here I explicitly give the type for T as being String, type checking will happen nevertheless, but it makes clear to the compiler what is expected. This call should work for Java 7 and 8.

在这里,我明确地将T的类型指定为字符串,但是类型检查仍然会发生,但是它清楚地告诉编译器什么是期望的。这个调用应该适用于Java 7和8。



So does that work?


subDomain.add(DomainField.ZIP, d.<String>get(DomainField.ZIP));

Here I explicitly give the type for T as being String, type checking will happen nevertheless, but it makes clear to the compiler what is expected. This call should work for Java 7 and 8.

在这里,我明确地将T的类型指定为字符串,但是类型检查仍然会发生,但是它清楚地告诉编译器什么是期望的。这个调用应该适用于Java 7和8。