为什么部分命名为“next”不能在Ruby on Rails中工作?

时间:2022-10-06 00:11:59

In my Rails app I recently tried to use a partial named _next.html.erb which simply contains a link to the next record:


<%= link_to_neighbor('next', @company) %>

I then tried to render that partial in my show and edit views:


<%= render 'companies/actions/next' %>

However, that kept giving me an error which I was unable to track down:


/app/views/companies/actions/_next.html.erb:1: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting keyword_end ..._buffer = @output_buffer;next = local_assigns[:next];;@outpu...

What really struck me was the fact that there was in fact no syntax error in the partial. The syntax is absolutely fine.


I wasn't able to get this partial working until I renamed it from _next.html.erb to _nnnext.html.erb.


So I guess next is some kind of reserved word in Rails or Ruby?


According to this list it's not, though!


Any ideas?


1 个解决方案



next is a Ruby keyword. Add all such keywords to the list of things you shouldn't name partials in Rails.


Because of RoR's wonderful "configuration by convention", all partials get a local variable named after the partial, containing its payload. So to run your partial, Rails evaluated next = local_assigns[:next] But the next on the left looks like a keyword, so >kaboom!<

由于RoR的精彩“按惯例配置”,所有部分都获得一个以partial为名的局部变量,包含其有效负载。所以要运行你的部分,Rails评估next = local_assigns [:next]但是左边的下一个看起来像一个关键字,所以> kaboom!<



next is a Ruby keyword. Add all such keywords to the list of things you shouldn't name partials in Rails.


Because of RoR's wonderful "configuration by convention", all partials get a local variable named after the partial, containing its payload. So to run your partial, Rails evaluated next = local_assigns[:next] But the next on the left looks like a keyword, so >kaboom!<

由于RoR的精彩“按惯例配置”,所有部分都获得一个以partial为名的局部变量,包含其有效负载。所以要运行你的部分,Rails评估next = local_assigns [:next]但是左边的下一个看起来像一个关键字,所以> kaboom!<