
时间:2022-11-02 23:41:39

This is the code of the method that I want to simplify. The method name I call of SerializedExpFamMixture class is exactly the value of "model", my question is how to assign the value of "model" directly as the name of the method instead of using "if" to determine which method I should call. Since by using "if", I need to list all the possible values of "model" and judge which method I should use.


Thank you very much for help. I am new to java.


public static SerializedExpFamMixture RateMtxModel(String model)
   SerializedExpFamMixture result=new SerializedExpFamMixture();
   return result;


3 个解决方案



Since you are new to Java, it's time for some general pointers:


  1. In Java, we usually name our methods with camelCase, so the first letter is lower case.
  2. 在Java中,我们通常使用camelCase命名我们的方法,因此第一个字母是小写。

  3. Also, in Java we usually leave the opening curly-bracket on the same line as the code (no newline).
  4. 此外,在Java中,我们通常将开始的花括号放在与代码相同的行上(没有换行符)。

  5. Always use final on your variables. At least your parameters. That way you won't overwrite it, and thus won't have to try to figure out which value it actually has at runtime.
  6. 始终对变量使用final。至少你的参数。这样你就不会覆盖它,因此不必试图找出它在运行时实际具有的值。

  7. Use curly-brackets! Please!
  8. 使用大括号!请!

  9. The result variable is not actually needed.
  10. 实际上并不需要结果变量。

  11. Use the equals-method to compare Strings.
  12. 使用equals-method比较字符串。

  13. If you only want one result, use else-if
  14. 如果您只想要一个结果,请使用else-if

Fixing these things, your method looks like this:


public static SerializedExpFamMixture rateMtxModel(String model) {
   if (model.equals("kimura1980()")) {
     return SerializedExpFamMixture.kimura1980();
   } else if (model.equals("accordance()")) {
     return SerializedExpFamMixture.accordance();
   } else if(model.equals("pair()")) {
     return SerializedExpFamMixture.pair();
   return new SerializedExpFamMixture();

Next, let's look at what you are actually trying to do here. You want to pass some Strings around, and use them as a basis for creating objects. And now, with the advice given here, you will do this using reflection. This does not sound like a very good idea to me. Say you were to go through with this, and this happened:



Small typo, hard to spot, will give unexpected results. If you were actually calling a method the compiler would let you know that you messed up, now you will get no warning (btw did you see both errors in that method call?). The same if someone were to delete the accordance()-method, the compiler would not alert them that this will break the program.

难以发现的小错字会带来意想不到的结果。如果你实际上正在调用一个方法,编译器会让你知道你搞砸了,现在你不会得到任何警告(顺便说一下,你在这个方法调用中看到了两个错误吗?)。如果有人要删除() - 方法,编译器也不会提醒他们这会破坏程序。

If it was up to be I would just use the static factory-methods in SerializedExpFamMixture directly, but if you have to do it like this (if the task at hand is using a String input to create an object) I would do something like this:


public enum Something {

    private final String stringValue;

    private Something(final String stringValue) {
        this.stringValue = stringValue;

    public static Something fromString(final String string) {
        for (final Something something : values()) {
            if (something.stringValue.equals(string)) {
                return something;
        return null;

public static SerializedExpFamMixture rateMtxModel(final String model) {
   if (model == null) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("model is null!");

   final Something something = Something.fromString(model);

   if (something == null) {
      return new SerializedExpFamMixture();

   switch(something) {
       case KIMURA1980:
           return SerializedExpFamMixture.kimura1980();
       case ACCORDANCE:
           return SerializedExpFamMixture.accordance();
       case PAIR:
           return SerializedExpFamMixture.pair();
           return new SerializedExpFamMixture();    

This way, the one place where you will use the Strings is in the enum, the rest of the code will use the enum constants and thus have the safety of the compiler to rely on.


One could also leave the linking between operation and String to the enum, like this:


interface Operation<T> {
    public T run(); 

public enum Something {
    KIMURA1980("kimura1980()", new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                                      public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                                          return SerializedExpFamMixture.kimura1980();
                               }) ,
    ACCORDANCE("accordance()", new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                                       public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                                           return SerializedExpFamMixture.accordance();
    PAIR("pair()", new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                           public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                               return SerializedExpFamMixture.pair();
    DEFAULT(null, new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                          public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                              return new SerializedExpFamMixture();

    private final String stringValue;
    private final Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture> operation;

    private Something(final String stringValue, final Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture> operation) {
        this.stringValue = stringValue;
        this.operation = operation;

    public static Something fromString(final String string) {
        if (string != null) {
            for (final Something something : values()) {
                if (string.equals(something.stringValue)) {
                    return something;
        return DEFAULT;

    public SerializedExpFamMixture getCorrespondingSerializedExpFamMixture() {
        return operation.run();

With this setup in the enum (I think the Operation-part can be trimmed out with Java8), the method will be as simple as:


public static SerializedExpFamMixture rateMtxModel(String model) {
    return Something.fromString(model).getCorrespondingSerializedExpFamMixture();



One way you can approach this is to use Reflection:


Method method = myClass.getClass().getMethod("doSomething", null);
method.invoke(myClass, null);



Use reflection, but you need to consider a few things:


  1. Bug alert! Comparing Strings using == doesn't work as expected in java - use .equals() instead. However, the solution below bypasses that problem
  2. 错误提醒!使用==比较字符串在java中无法正常工作 - 请改用.equals()。但是,下面的解决方案绕过了这个问题

  3. For the general case, which includes methods not visible to the invoker, you need to consider accessibility, both in finding the method and invoking it
  4. 对于包含调用者不可见的方法的一般情况,您需要考虑可访问性,包括查找方法和调用方法

  5. You don't need the result variable, and even if using your code, don't need to initialize it
  6. 您不需要结果变量,即使使用您的代码,也不需要初始化它

Try this:

String methodName = model.replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
try {
    // getMethod() returns only public methods, getDeclaredMethod() returns any visibility
    Method method = SerializedExpFamMixture.class.getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
    // if the method is not guaranteed to be visible (eg public) you need this:
    return (SerializedExpFamMixture) method.invoke(null); // how to invoke on the class object
} catch (Exception forBrevity) {
    return new SerializedExpFamMixture();



Since you are new to Java, it's time for some general pointers:


  1. In Java, we usually name our methods with camelCase, so the first letter is lower case.
  2. 在Java中,我们通常使用camelCase命名我们的方法,因此第一个字母是小写。

  3. Also, in Java we usually leave the opening curly-bracket on the same line as the code (no newline).
  4. 此外,在Java中,我们通常将开始的花括号放在与代码相同的行上(没有换行符)。

  5. Always use final on your variables. At least your parameters. That way you won't overwrite it, and thus won't have to try to figure out which value it actually has at runtime.
  6. 始终对变量使用final。至少你的参数。这样你就不会覆盖它,因此不必试图找出它在运行时实际具有的值。

  7. Use curly-brackets! Please!
  8. 使用大括号!请!

  9. The result variable is not actually needed.
  10. 实际上并不需要结果变量。

  11. Use the equals-method to compare Strings.
  12. 使用equals-method比较字符串。

  13. If you only want one result, use else-if
  14. 如果您只想要一个结果,请使用else-if

Fixing these things, your method looks like this:


public static SerializedExpFamMixture rateMtxModel(String model) {
   if (model.equals("kimura1980()")) {
     return SerializedExpFamMixture.kimura1980();
   } else if (model.equals("accordance()")) {
     return SerializedExpFamMixture.accordance();
   } else if(model.equals("pair()")) {
     return SerializedExpFamMixture.pair();
   return new SerializedExpFamMixture();

Next, let's look at what you are actually trying to do here. You want to pass some Strings around, and use them as a basis for creating objects. And now, with the advice given here, you will do this using reflection. This does not sound like a very good idea to me. Say you were to go through with this, and this happened:



Small typo, hard to spot, will give unexpected results. If you were actually calling a method the compiler would let you know that you messed up, now you will get no warning (btw did you see both errors in that method call?). The same if someone were to delete the accordance()-method, the compiler would not alert them that this will break the program.

难以发现的小错字会带来意想不到的结果。如果你实际上正在调用一个方法,编译器会让你知道你搞砸了,现在你不会得到任何警告(顺便说一下,你在这个方法调用中看到了两个错误吗?)。如果有人要删除() - 方法,编译器也不会提醒他们这会破坏程序。

If it was up to be I would just use the static factory-methods in SerializedExpFamMixture directly, but if you have to do it like this (if the task at hand is using a String input to create an object) I would do something like this:


public enum Something {

    private final String stringValue;

    private Something(final String stringValue) {
        this.stringValue = stringValue;

    public static Something fromString(final String string) {
        for (final Something something : values()) {
            if (something.stringValue.equals(string)) {
                return something;
        return null;

public static SerializedExpFamMixture rateMtxModel(final String model) {
   if (model == null) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("model is null!");

   final Something something = Something.fromString(model);

   if (something == null) {
      return new SerializedExpFamMixture();

   switch(something) {
       case KIMURA1980:
           return SerializedExpFamMixture.kimura1980();
       case ACCORDANCE:
           return SerializedExpFamMixture.accordance();
       case PAIR:
           return SerializedExpFamMixture.pair();
           return new SerializedExpFamMixture();    

This way, the one place where you will use the Strings is in the enum, the rest of the code will use the enum constants and thus have the safety of the compiler to rely on.


One could also leave the linking between operation and String to the enum, like this:


interface Operation<T> {
    public T run(); 

public enum Something {
    KIMURA1980("kimura1980()", new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                                      public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                                          return SerializedExpFamMixture.kimura1980();
                               }) ,
    ACCORDANCE("accordance()", new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                                       public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                                           return SerializedExpFamMixture.accordance();
    PAIR("pair()", new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                           public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                               return SerializedExpFamMixture.pair();
    DEFAULT(null, new Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture>() {
                          public SerializedExpFamMixture run() { 
                              return new SerializedExpFamMixture();

    private final String stringValue;
    private final Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture> operation;

    private Something(final String stringValue, final Operation<SerializedExpFamMixture> operation) {
        this.stringValue = stringValue;
        this.operation = operation;

    public static Something fromString(final String string) {
        if (string != null) {
            for (final Something something : values()) {
                if (string.equals(something.stringValue)) {
                    return something;
        return DEFAULT;

    public SerializedExpFamMixture getCorrespondingSerializedExpFamMixture() {
        return operation.run();

With this setup in the enum (I think the Operation-part can be trimmed out with Java8), the method will be as simple as:


public static SerializedExpFamMixture rateMtxModel(String model) {
    return Something.fromString(model).getCorrespondingSerializedExpFamMixture();



One way you can approach this is to use Reflection:


Method method = myClass.getClass().getMethod("doSomething", null);
method.invoke(myClass, null);



Use reflection, but you need to consider a few things:


  1. Bug alert! Comparing Strings using == doesn't work as expected in java - use .equals() instead. However, the solution below bypasses that problem
  2. 错误提醒!使用==比较字符串在java中无法正常工作 - 请改用.equals()。但是,下面的解决方案绕过了这个问题

  3. For the general case, which includes methods not visible to the invoker, you need to consider accessibility, both in finding the method and invoking it
  4. 对于包含调用者不可见的方法的一般情况,您需要考虑可访问性,包括查找方法和调用方法

  5. You don't need the result variable, and even if using your code, don't need to initialize it
  6. 您不需要结果变量,即使使用您的代码,也不需要初始化它

Try this:

String methodName = model.replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
try {
    // getMethod() returns only public methods, getDeclaredMethod() returns any visibility
    Method method = SerializedExpFamMixture.class.getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
    // if the method is not guaranteed to be visible (eg public) you need this:
    return (SerializedExpFamMixture) method.invoke(null); // how to invoke on the class object
} catch (Exception forBrevity) {
    return new SerializedExpFamMixture();