时间:2022-12-30 22:42:15

I am trying to call my linux executable from shell script. Before calling this executable, I want to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH with specific values. My shell script is as below:


Parent.sh (contains 2 lines)


   - source set_env.sh 
   - executable.so


   - setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /proj/something

On manually executing Parent.sh scipt from linux console, the executable.so is called with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly. But after integrating it wiht java code as:

在从Linux控制台手动执行Parent.sh scipt时,调用executable.so并正确设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH。但是在将它与java代码集成之后:

String[] commandArray ={"Parent.sh"};
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process javap = runtime.exec(commandArray);

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set for executable.so


I hope description is clear :)


Please let know whats wrong in the code.


2 个解决方案



Dunes answer solves your problem, but I would strongly suggest a different approach in this particular case. Instead of relying on a shell to set the environment arguments, you should do this in your Java code. This way you don't need to know which shells exist on the system and what their language is, it will just work on all platforms.


To do this, you can use the Runtime.exec(String[] cmd, String[] environment) overload (javadoc). As the second parameter you can pass an array which contains all the environment variables the subprocess will see.

为此,您可以使用Runtime.exec(String [] cmd,String []环境)重载(javadoc)。作为第二个参数,您可以传递一个包含子进程将看到的所有环境变量的数组。

A little bit nicer even is the ProcessBuilder API:

甚至更好一点的是ProcessBuilder API:

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("executable.so");
Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
env.put("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/proj/something");
Process javap = pb.start();

This way, the subprocess will inherit all environment variables from the Java process, and additionally have the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set.




Are you sure the subprocess is using csh? If it starts up using bash or something else then this would prevent the script from working (but not to throw an IOException).


You should really aad a hashbang line as the very first line of your script to state which shell interpreter you wish to use.



#!/usr/bin/env csh



Dunes answer solves your problem, but I would strongly suggest a different approach in this particular case. Instead of relying on a shell to set the environment arguments, you should do this in your Java code. This way you don't need to know which shells exist on the system and what their language is, it will just work on all platforms.


To do this, you can use the Runtime.exec(String[] cmd, String[] environment) overload (javadoc). As the second parameter you can pass an array which contains all the environment variables the subprocess will see.

为此,您可以使用Runtime.exec(String [] cmd,String []环境)重载(javadoc)。作为第二个参数,您可以传递一个包含子进程将看到的所有环境变量的数组。

A little bit nicer even is the ProcessBuilder API:

甚至更好一点的是ProcessBuilder API:

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("executable.so");
Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
env.put("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/proj/something");
Process javap = pb.start();

This way, the subprocess will inherit all environment variables from the Java process, and additionally have the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set.




Are you sure the subprocess is using csh? If it starts up using bash or something else then this would prevent the script from working (but not to throw an IOException).


You should really aad a hashbang line as the very first line of your script to state which shell interpreter you wish to use.



#!/usr/bin/env csh