
时间:2021-03-13 13:18:22

I'm trying to create a function within Excel that will write data to my remote SQL Server database with a click of a button. However, I keep getting an error telling me that that my login failed for user "UserName" (Error 80040e4d).

我正在尝试在Excel中创建一个函数,它可以通过单击一个按钮将数据写入我的远程SQL Server数据库。然而,我不断收到一个错误信息,告诉我我的用户“UserName”登录失败(错误80040e4d)。

At first I thought there must be a problem with my User/Login within the database, so I went to the remote desktop, opened SQL Server Management Studio and checked all my permissions, made sure Windows authentication was selected, checked the password etc... Still didn't work.

一开始我认为我的用户/登录在数据库中一定有问题,所以我去了远程桌面,打开SQL Server Management Studio,检查了我所有的权限,确定了Windows认证,检查了密码等等……仍然没有工作。

My User has been given Read and Write permissions, so I tried to import data into Excel from SQL, which did work. So I'm assuming this must be an issue within my VBA code, more specifically, my connection string.


I would appreciate it if someone could take a look over it, and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or if someone else has had this issue and knows what's causing it?


Here's the code I have:


Sub Button3_Click()

Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim iRowNo As Integer
Dim sArtistId, sForename, sSurname, sNationality, sBirthDate, sDeathDate As String

With Sheets("NewArtist")

    'Open a connection to SQL Server
    conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=tcp:IPADDRESS,1433\SqlServer2008;" & _
              "Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User ID=UserName;Password=PassWord" & _
              "Integrated Security=SSPI;"

    'Skip the header row
    iRowNo = 2

    'Loop until empty cell in CustomerId
    Do Until .Cells(iRowNo, 1) = ""
        sCustomerId = .Cells(iRowNo, 1)
        sFirstName = .Cells(iRowNo, 2)
        sLastName = .Cells(iRowNo, 3)

        'Generate and execute sql statement to import the excel rows to SQL Server table
        conn.Execute "insert into dbo.Components (ArtistId, Forename, Surname, Nationality, BirthDate, DeathDate) values ('" & sArtistId & "', '" & sForename & "', '" & sSurname & "', '" & sNationality & "', '" & sBirthDate & "', '" & DeathDate & "')"

        iRowNo = iRowNo + 1

    MsgBox "Artists imported."

    Set conn = Nothing

End With

End Sub

Thank you very much!




1 个解决方案



Integrated Security=SSPI

集成安全= SSPI

this parameter in your connection string means you are going to pass your windows principal name as authentication, so the sql login and password are being ignored.


you should remove this name/value pair from the connection string, if you want to use a specified username and password.




Integrated Security=SSPI

集成安全= SSPI

this parameter in your connection string means you are going to pass your windows principal name as authentication, so the sql login and password are being ignored.


you should remove this name/value pair from the connection string, if you want to use a specified username and password.
