我应该学什么? Python还是Ruby?

时间:2021-01-31 07:10:44

I am a PHP developer so, mainly a web developer, and I'm used to work with MVC. I use CakePHP, which is a powerful PHP framework to develop web apps and such.


I'm comming from the web scene and I really want to keep my work on the web but I also would like to learn a new programming language to apply there. Not only that, but I also would like that this language would enable me to work offline with stand alone applications.


I really like Python and already know some stuff about it. The problem is that I don't see a really good tool to work with it on the web. Django, for me, has a terrible API and although we can find some other really cool projects like web.py, when I compare that to what I get with PHP and CakePHP, I don't get that excited.


On the other hand, we have Ruby which is a scripting language just like Python. I don't know how far you can go with desktop development with Ruby compared with Python. But I know that Rails is a extremely cool tool to use on webdev...


So my question is: should I learn Python or Ruby? If one or other, why? Thanks!


P.S.: My english can be a little bit confusing, but I guess you can understand [hopefully]


3 个解决方案


This is a choice I had to make (also moving from php), and I chose ruby for its more elegant syntax, such as built-in literal regexps and hashes (Dicts in python?), as well as its powerful iterators.


I also did not like the extensive use of __name__ type method names, and don't like the whitespace restrictions.


As you can see, it was a 100% personal decision, I don't think there is a right answer here though, choosing what feels right is a safe choice!



Don't like Django? Python has a lot of choices for working on the web. Some of them are listed at Fred's Shack.

不喜欢Django? Python在Web上有很多选择。其中一些列在Fred's Shack。


Yahoo employee, Jeremy Zawodny, has asked the same question here. You can get a good insight of both languages from comments for his question.

雅虎员工Jeremy Zawodny在这里提出了同样的问题。您可以从他的问题的评论中获得对这两种语言的良好洞察力。


This is a choice I had to make (also moving from php), and I chose ruby for its more elegant syntax, such as built-in literal regexps and hashes (Dicts in python?), as well as its powerful iterators.


I also did not like the extensive use of __name__ type method names, and don't like the whitespace restrictions.


As you can see, it was a 100% personal decision, I don't think there is a right answer here though, choosing what feels right is a safe choice!



Don't like Django? Python has a lot of choices for working on the web. Some of them are listed at Fred's Shack.

不喜欢Django? Python在Web上有很多选择。其中一些列在Fred's Shack。


Yahoo employee, Jeremy Zawodny, has asked the same question here. You can get a good insight of both languages from comments for his question.

雅虎员工Jeremy Zawodny在这里提出了同样的问题。您可以从他的问题的评论中获得对这两种语言的良好洞察力。