
时间:2023-01-24 18:16:56

I just move my experience on C# into Ruby. Ruby is very interesting programming language, I really like it. I do know Rails is a web application framework that are used by lots of web developers and uses Ruby language. What else of applications should we build on ruby?


4 个解决方案



The types of applications that Ruby seems to excel at are designing frameworks implementing a DSL. The loose structure of the Ruby syntax and reflective/meta-programming style encourages redefining structures with out necessarily having to implement a parser of your own. Things like Rake, Rails, Sinatra, Capistrano and RSpec all have a very particular DSL that is quite expandable by adding the full power of the Ruby language within the DSL. Of course, one of the biggest strong suites of Ruby is fast development, especially in convention-over-configuration frameworks like Rails. Obviously, data-base driven, dynamic web applications have a strong foot hold in Rails, but there is nothing stopping you from building the next rails of SMTP.


Ruby excels at driving highly configurable applications, where the configuration can be programming itself. I know I saw Zed Saw talk about writing business rules style Access Control Lists in Ruby to allow a more dynamic reaction to changing laws and rules. Ruby Arduino Development could also help change the face of custom robotics and physical computing by putting a powerful and easy to use scripting framework for interfacing with the Arduino physical computing platform (a "Make"rs dream).

Ruby擅长于驱动高度可配置的应用程序,其中的配置可以是编程本身。我知道我看到Zed看到了关于在Ruby中编写业务规则样式访问控制列表,以允许对变化的法律和规则进行更动态的反应。Ruby Arduino开发还可以通过提供一个强大且容易使用的脚本框架与Arduino物理计算平台(“Make”rs dream)进行交互,从而帮助改变自定义机器人和物理计算的面貌。

You have probably noticed a theme of agility in software, which is exactly where Ruby belongs.


Update, desktop applications: There doesn't seem to be any killer desktop applications for Ruby at the moment, mostly because there is such a demand for web applications and providing rich application experiences via the web is getting easier and easier. There are frameworks for Ruby GUIs though. Of particular note is Shoes written by _why the lucky stiff (a Ruby rockstar) because it presents GUI development in an especially Ruby way. Other than shoes, lately Macruby with native Cocoa support has garnered some attention. Then you have GUI toolkits with Ruby wrappers: WxRuby, FXRuby and Ruby-GNOME2.

更新,桌面应用程序:目前还没有任何致命的桌面应用程序,主要是因为对web应用程序的需求越来越大,通过web提供丰富的应用程序体验变得越来越容易。尽管有Ruby gui框架。特别值得注意的是由_why the lucky stiff (Ruby rockstar)编写的鞋子,因为它以一种特殊的Ruby方式呈现GUI开发。除了鞋子,Macruby最近也获得了一些关注。然后,您有了带有Ruby包装器的GUI工具包:WxRuby、FXRuby和Ruby- gnome2。

Just because there are no killer apps for Ruby GUIs right now doesn't mean you can't create the next one.

仅仅因为现在没有Ruby gui的杀手级应用,并不意味着你不能创建下一个。



I think Ruby is suitable to write small software tools we use every day to improve our productivity.




A blogging engine, like everyone else.




Download an XML export of Wikipedia, and analyse it in some novel way.




The types of applications that Ruby seems to excel at are designing frameworks implementing a DSL. The loose structure of the Ruby syntax and reflective/meta-programming style encourages redefining structures with out necessarily having to implement a parser of your own. Things like Rake, Rails, Sinatra, Capistrano and RSpec all have a very particular DSL that is quite expandable by adding the full power of the Ruby language within the DSL. Of course, one of the biggest strong suites of Ruby is fast development, especially in convention-over-configuration frameworks like Rails. Obviously, data-base driven, dynamic web applications have a strong foot hold in Rails, but there is nothing stopping you from building the next rails of SMTP.


Ruby excels at driving highly configurable applications, where the configuration can be programming itself. I know I saw Zed Saw talk about writing business rules style Access Control Lists in Ruby to allow a more dynamic reaction to changing laws and rules. Ruby Arduino Development could also help change the face of custom robotics and physical computing by putting a powerful and easy to use scripting framework for interfacing with the Arduino physical computing platform (a "Make"rs dream).

Ruby擅长于驱动高度可配置的应用程序,其中的配置可以是编程本身。我知道我看到Zed看到了关于在Ruby中编写业务规则样式访问控制列表,以允许对变化的法律和规则进行更动态的反应。Ruby Arduino开发还可以通过提供一个强大且容易使用的脚本框架与Arduino物理计算平台(“Make”rs dream)进行交互,从而帮助改变自定义机器人和物理计算的面貌。

You have probably noticed a theme of agility in software, which is exactly where Ruby belongs.


Update, desktop applications: There doesn't seem to be any killer desktop applications for Ruby at the moment, mostly because there is such a demand for web applications and providing rich application experiences via the web is getting easier and easier. There are frameworks for Ruby GUIs though. Of particular note is Shoes written by _why the lucky stiff (a Ruby rockstar) because it presents GUI development in an especially Ruby way. Other than shoes, lately Macruby with native Cocoa support has garnered some attention. Then you have GUI toolkits with Ruby wrappers: WxRuby, FXRuby and Ruby-GNOME2.

更新,桌面应用程序:目前还没有任何致命的桌面应用程序,主要是因为对web应用程序的需求越来越大,通过web提供丰富的应用程序体验变得越来越容易。尽管有Ruby gui框架。特别值得注意的是由_why the lucky stiff (Ruby rockstar)编写的鞋子,因为它以一种特殊的Ruby方式呈现GUI开发。除了鞋子,Macruby最近也获得了一些关注。然后,您有了带有Ruby包装器的GUI工具包:WxRuby、FXRuby和Ruby- gnome2。

Just because there are no killer apps for Ruby GUIs right now doesn't mean you can't create the next one.

仅仅因为现在没有Ruby gui的杀手级应用,并不意味着你不能创建下一个。



I think Ruby is suitable to write small software tools we use every day to improve our productivity.




A blogging engine, like everyone else.




Download an XML export of Wikipedia, and analyse it in some novel way.
