
时间:2021-02-27 22:44:58

That is, why does this:


struct S {};

struct T
    T(S& s) : s{s} {}

    S& s;

int main()
    S s;
    T t{s};

give me a compiler error with GCC 4.7:

给我一个编译错误与GCC 4.7:

test.cpp: In constructor 'T::T(S&)':
test.cpp:5:18: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'S&' from an rvalue of type '<brace-enclosed initializer list>'



To fix the error, I have to change the s{s} to s(s). Doesn't this break the, erm, uniformity of uniform initialization?


EDIT: I tried with clang, and clang accepts it, so perhaps it's a GCC bug?

编辑:我尝试了clang, clang接受了,所以可能是一个GCC bug?

3 个解决方案



Yes, its a bug. This is something new and was voted in the working paper in February 2012 (link).


Nicol Bolas makes a good point in that gcc is actually the conforming compiler according to the FDIS approved C++11 standard because the changes to the working paper were made after that.

Nicol Bolas很好地指出了gcc实际上是符合FDIS的符合标准的编译器,因为在此之后对工作文件进行了修改。



I believe that to be an error in the compiler. The two paragraphs that deal with reference initialization through list-initialization are (in n3337):




List-initialization of an object or reference of type T is defined as follows:


  • Otherwise, if the initializer list has a single element of type E and either T is not a reference type or its referenced type is reference-related to E, the object or reference is initialized from that element; if a narrowing conversion (see below) is required to convert the element to T, the program is ill-formed.


  • Otherwise, if T is a reference type, a prvalue temporary of the type referenced by T is list-initialized, and the reference is bound to that temporary. [ Note: As usual, the binding will fail and the program is ill-formed if the reference type is an lvalue reference to a non-const type. — end note ]


The compiler seems to be applying the last paragraph, when it should be applying the first, as reference-related is defined as




Given types “cv1 T1” and “cv2 T2,” “cv1 T1” is reference-related to “cv2 T2” if T1 is the same type as T2, or T1 is a base class of T2.

给定类型“cv1 T1”和“cv2 T2”,“cv1 T1”是与“cv2 T2”相关的引用,如果T1与T2的类型相同,或者T1是T2的基类。

In the case of the question, the types of the reference and the initializer inside the brace-initialization-list are exactly the same, which means that the initialization should be valid.

对于这个问题,引用的类型和brace- initialize -list中的初始化器是完全相同的,这意味着初始化应该是有效的。

In the FDIS draft, the equivalent paragraphs had the order reversed. The implication is that the FDIS draft (n3290) did not allow for brace-list-initialization of *lvalue*s. On the other hand, reading the text it seems obvious that it is a bug in the standard and that the intention was having the order of n3337:


  • Otherwise, if T is a reference type, a prvalue temporary of the type referenced by T is list-initialized, and the reference is bound to that temporary.


  • Otherwise, if the initializer list has a single element, the object or reference is initialized from that element; if a narrowing conversion (see below) is required to convert the element to T, the program is ill-formed.


The order in that document means that because all reference types are handled by the first clause, mentioning reference in the following paragraph would make no sense.




(Note: I'm writing this answer with the benefit of 2 years of hindsight since the original question; and to put some of the information from comments into an actual answer so that it is searchable).


Of course, initializing a reference of type S& with a reference also of type S& is supposed to bind directly.


The problem is a defect in the C++11 standard and was addressed by DR1288. The corrected text appears in C++14.

问题是c++ 11标准中的一个缺陷,DR1288解决了这个问题。更正后的文本出现在c++ 14中。

The Committee has clarified that the corrected text is what was intended for C++11, and so a "conforming compiler" should implement the corrected version.

委员会已经澄清,修改后的文本是用于c++ 11的,因此“符合标准的编译器”应该实现修改后的版本。

g++ 4.8 followed the published text of the C++11 standard; however once this issue came to light, g++ 4.9 implemented the corrected version, even with -std=c++11 switch.

g+ 4.8遵循c++ 11标准发布的文本;然而,一旦这个问题浮出水面,g++ 4.9实现了修正后的版本,即使使用了-std=c++11开关。

Note that the problem is not confined to constructor initializer lists either, e.g.: S s; S &t{s}; doesn't work in g++ 4.8, nor does S s; S &t = s; S &u { t };

注意,这个问题也不仅限于构造函数初始化器列表,例如:S;科技{年代};不能在g++ 4.8中工作,S也不行;科技= S;S和u;



Yes, its a bug. This is something new and was voted in the working paper in February 2012 (link).


Nicol Bolas makes a good point in that gcc is actually the conforming compiler according to the FDIS approved C++11 standard because the changes to the working paper were made after that.

Nicol Bolas很好地指出了gcc实际上是符合FDIS的符合标准的编译器,因为在此之后对工作文件进行了修改。



I believe that to be an error in the compiler. The two paragraphs that deal with reference initialization through list-initialization are (in n3337):




List-initialization of an object or reference of type T is defined as follows:


  • Otherwise, if the initializer list has a single element of type E and either T is not a reference type or its referenced type is reference-related to E, the object or reference is initialized from that element; if a narrowing conversion (see below) is required to convert the element to T, the program is ill-formed.


  • Otherwise, if T is a reference type, a prvalue temporary of the type referenced by T is list-initialized, and the reference is bound to that temporary. [ Note: As usual, the binding will fail and the program is ill-formed if the reference type is an lvalue reference to a non-const type. — end note ]


The compiler seems to be applying the last paragraph, when it should be applying the first, as reference-related is defined as




Given types “cv1 T1” and “cv2 T2,” “cv1 T1” is reference-related to “cv2 T2” if T1 is the same type as T2, or T1 is a base class of T2.

给定类型“cv1 T1”和“cv2 T2”,“cv1 T1”是与“cv2 T2”相关的引用,如果T1与T2的类型相同,或者T1是T2的基类。

In the case of the question, the types of the reference and the initializer inside the brace-initialization-list are exactly the same, which means that the initialization should be valid.

对于这个问题,引用的类型和brace- initialize -list中的初始化器是完全相同的,这意味着初始化应该是有效的。

In the FDIS draft, the equivalent paragraphs had the order reversed. The implication is that the FDIS draft (n3290) did not allow for brace-list-initialization of *lvalue*s. On the other hand, reading the text it seems obvious that it is a bug in the standard and that the intention was having the order of n3337:


  • Otherwise, if T is a reference type, a prvalue temporary of the type referenced by T is list-initialized, and the reference is bound to that temporary.


  • Otherwise, if the initializer list has a single element, the object or reference is initialized from that element; if a narrowing conversion (see below) is required to convert the element to T, the program is ill-formed.


The order in that document means that because all reference types are handled by the first clause, mentioning reference in the following paragraph would make no sense.




(Note: I'm writing this answer with the benefit of 2 years of hindsight since the original question; and to put some of the information from comments into an actual answer so that it is searchable).


Of course, initializing a reference of type S& with a reference also of type S& is supposed to bind directly.


The problem is a defect in the C++11 standard and was addressed by DR1288. The corrected text appears in C++14.

问题是c++ 11标准中的一个缺陷,DR1288解决了这个问题。更正后的文本出现在c++ 14中。

The Committee has clarified that the corrected text is what was intended for C++11, and so a "conforming compiler" should implement the corrected version.

委员会已经澄清,修改后的文本是用于c++ 11的,因此“符合标准的编译器”应该实现修改后的版本。

g++ 4.8 followed the published text of the C++11 standard; however once this issue came to light, g++ 4.9 implemented the corrected version, even with -std=c++11 switch.

g+ 4.8遵循c++ 11标准发布的文本;然而,一旦这个问题浮出水面,g++ 4.9实现了修正后的版本,即使使用了-std=c++11开关。

Note that the problem is not confined to constructor initializer lists either, e.g.: S s; S &t{s}; doesn't work in g++ 4.8, nor does S s; S &t = s; S &u { t };

注意,这个问题也不仅限于构造函数初始化器列表,例如:S;科技{年代};不能在g++ 4.8中工作,S也不行;科技= S;S和u;