• POJ 2299 Ultra-QuickSort【树状数组 ,逆序数】

    时间:2023-01-08 17:06:40


  • POJ2299 Ultra-QuickSort

    时间:2022-11-30 15:53:16

    DescriptionIn this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algorithm. The algorithm processes a sequence of n distinct integers by swapping ...

  • UVa 10810 - Ultra-QuickSort

    时间:2022-06-25 21:12:29

    题目大意:给出一个数列,每次交换相邻数字,求排成递增序的最少交换次数。分析:求逆序数,合并排序#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>#define maxn 5000010using namespac...

  • POJ 2299 Ultra-QuickSort (求序列的逆序对数)

    时间:2022-06-19 19:39:20

    题意:废话了一大堆就是要你去求一个序列冒泡排序所需的交换的次数。 思路:实际上是要你去求一个序列的逆序队数 看案例: 9 1 0 5 49后面比它小的的数有4个 1后面有1个 0后面没有 5后面1个 4后面没有 所以结果为4+1+0+1+0=6 所以逆序对的定义如果不清楚可以自己总结了 这道题说...

  • Ultra-QuickSort (求逆序数+离散化处理)、Cows、Stars【树状数组】

    时间:2022-03-29 04:58:01

    一、Ultra-QuickSort(树状数组求逆序数)题目链接(点击)Ultra-QuickSortTime Limit: 7000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 73943 Accepted: 27692DescriptionIn this pr...

  • POJ 2299 Ultra-QuickSort(线段树入门)

    时间:2021-12-05 16:59:07

    Ultra-QuickSortTime Limit: 7000MS Memory Limit: 65536KDescriptionIn this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algorithm. The algorithm...

  • 线段树——Ultra-QuickSort

    时间:2021-10-25 17:18:58

    题目网址:http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/view.action?cid=109331#problem/ADescriptionIn this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algori...

  • POJ 2299 Ultra-QuickSort

    时间:2021-10-20 08:19:38

    离散化+树状数组求逆序数Ultra-QuickSortTime Limit: 7000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 35024Accepted: 12608DescriptionIn this problem, you have to analyz...

  • Ultra-QuickSort (poj 2002)

    时间:2021-10-15 01:47:51

    DescriptionIn this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algorithm. The algorithm processes a sequence of n distinct integers by swapping ...

  • Ultra-QuickSort poj2299 (归并排序 求逆序数对)

    时间:2021-05-27 04:13:17

    Ultra-QuickSort Time Limit: 7000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 57649   Accepted: 21298 Description In this pr...

  • Ultra-QuickSort 分类: POJ 排序 2015-08-03 15:39 2人阅读 评论(0) 收藏

    时间:2021-03-11 22:39:13

    Ultra-QuickSortTime Limit: 7000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 48111 Accepted: 17549DescriptionIn this problem, you have to analyze a partic...