• 在IFS中复制源控制历史记录,然后在TFS中删除trunk

    时间:2023-02-05 14:34:59

    I have a TFS project that ought to be a folder under another project, so I want to move the source control history (We don't use the other features of...

  • Shell中的IFS解惑

    时间:2022-10-29 17:03:09

    一、IFS 介绍      Shell 脚本中有个变量叫 IFS(Internal Field Seprator) ,内部域分隔符。完整定义是The shell uses the value stored in IFS, which is the space, tab, and newline ch...

  • 【转】SHELL中的IFS详解

    时间:2021-12-29 14:46:54
