• VBS教程:属性-Drives 属性

    时间:2022-09-21 20:20:56

    Drives 属性返回由本地机器上所有 Drive 对象组成的 Drives 集合。object.Drivesobject 应为 FileSystemObject 对象的名称。说明无论是否插入媒体,可移动媒体驱动器都显示在 Drives 集合中。您可以使用 For Each...Next 结构枚举 ...

  • Current mirror drives multiple LEDs from a low supply voltage

    时间:2022-08-28 08:25:57

    Driving LEDs at a regulated current from low supply voltages can be difficult because minimal overhead voltage is available for control circuits. A cu...

  • Rufus-Create bootable USB drives the easy way

    时间:2021-07-08 07:34:52
