• 为什么在使用WAMP的网站上没有在Firefox上使用div表?

    时间:2022-10-16 00:28:19

    I can get regular table tags working fine, but I need them to be divs in order to easily let users adjust the size. I used the [converter tool here][1...

  • 10个实用的PHP正则表达式汇总

    时间:2022-10-16 00:28:37


  • 何时来自相关表的记录加载LINQ2SQL

    时间:2022-10-16 00:28:13

    Let's say I have two tables: 假设我有两张桌子: Report Comment And assuming I have a database context: 假设我有一个数据库上下文: var reports = db.Reports(); How can I ma...

  • CakePHP 1.3 - 用于保存不相关模型的事务

    时间:2022-10-16 00:23:31

    How do I start a transaction in a controller, then attempt to save multiple models that have no relation to each other? If anything fails, obviously I...

  • 搜索相关两个表之间的SQL问题

    时间:2022-10-16 00:23:37

    I am writing some kind of search engine for my web application and i have a problem. I have 2 tables first of is projects table: 我正在为我的Web应用程序编写某种搜索引擎...

  • 表在引导程序中没有响应

    时间:2022-10-16 00:18:55

    I have code to generate a table: 我有生成表的代码: <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th class="col-xs-...

  • insert data in related tables through a view sql server

    时间:2022-10-16 00:18:43

    Hope someone can help with this. I've got two tables (structure below): 希望有人能帮忙解决这个问题。我有两张桌子(下面的结构): Table1DataYear INT Not Null,ProvId INT Not Null,L...

  • 用口语化的方式按前组排序(Laravel)

    时间:2022-10-16 00:18:49

    I have a "messages" table with the following columns 我有一个包含以下列的“消息”表 CREATE TABLE `messages` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `fromId` int(11...

  • php中spl_autoload详解

    时间:2022-10-16 00:19:01

    SPL 是Standard PHP Library(标准PHP库)的缩写。它是PHP5引入的一个扩展库,其主要功能包括autoload机制的实现及包括各种Iterator接口或类。 SPL autoload机制的实现是通过将函数指针autoload_func指向自己实现的具有自动装载功能的函数来实现的

  • 在laravel中访问对象及其关系4.1

    时间:2022-10-16 00:18:55

    I hope I can explain this clearly, apologies in advance if it is confusing. I have a goals table which hasOne of each of bodyGoalDescs, strengthGoalDe...

  • Laravel Eloquent Relationship - 将数据插入多个表格

    时间:2022-10-16 00:18:49

    I have the following structure: 我有以下结构: 3 tables: movies, actors, genres 3桌:电影,演员,流派 Movies Table Schema: 电影表架构: Schema::create('movies', function (Bl...

  • 为nUnit测试设置Visual Studio项目的最佳实践

    时间:2022-10-16 00:14:24

    How do people set up their projects for Visual Studio and how do you reference the testable application ? 人们如何为Visual Studio设置项目,以及如何引用可测试的应用程序? Right...

  • 使用PHPUnit测试受保护方法的最佳实践

    时间:2022-10-16 00:14:18

    I found the discussion on Do you test private method informative. 我发现关于你是否测试私有方法的讨论非常有用。 I have decided, that in some classes, I want to have protecte...

  • 组织这种结构的最佳方式?

    时间:2022-10-16 00:14:12

    I have a database of foods, which I would like to divide into a tree structure of categories, subcategories and sub-subcategories. For example, 我有一个食物...

  • 使用数据库创建功能单元测试的标准/最佳实践是什么?

    时间:2022-10-16 00:14:06

    I get the idea behind unit testing however am trying to think of a clean simple way do it when it requires database functionality. For instance I have...

  • Laravel -在比较之前,将查询参数转换为整数

    时间:2022-10-16 00:14:30

    I'm trying to return a single row from a table based on the primary key. 我尝试从基于主键的表中返回一行。 $product = Product::where('id', '=', $idOrSKU) -&...

  • 如何组织最小/单元测试?

    时间:2022-10-16 00:09:18

    After using RSpec for several projects, I'm giving minitest/unit a go. I'm liking it so far, but I miss using describe/context blocks to group my test...

  • C/S和B/S两种架构区别与优缺点分析

    时间:2022-10-16 00:09:30


  • Laravel 4 - Eloquent:在访问之前是否可以查询所有关系?

    时间:2022-10-16 00:09:12

    I'm trying to cache a DB query(and its relations), but after experimenting with Eloquent ORM I realized that the relations are only queried when they'...

  • 组织测试的PHPUnit最佳实践

    时间:2022-10-16 00:09:24

    I am currently going to start from scratch with the phpunit tests for a project. So I was looking into some projects (like Zend) to see how they are d...