I would like to plot a time series that look like this: 我想绘制一个如下所示的时间序列: what I plot with: 我的情节: qplot(Jahr, Wert, data=tu, group = Geschlecht, color...
alpha和fill ggplot2 boxplots中的传说?
I'm trying to combine alpha and fill in ggplot2. It works when I'm using geom_bar (or geom_points, for color), but the alpha legend doesn't work in wh...
I am new to ggplot2. I would like to create a line plot that has points on them where the points are filled with different colors than the lines (see ...
Hi wanted to adjust the following chart so that the values below zero are filled in red and the ones above are in dark blue. How can I do this with gg...
I want to plot a map with a raster overlaying a GoogleMaps base map in ggplot2. Therefore, I used get_map() and insert_raster() like this: 我想在ggplot2中...
What am I doing wrong here please? I'm trying to shade alternate 24-hr daily rectangles with transparent gray. But only the last rectangle from the fo...
Dear all, I'd like to add spaces between bars in ggplot2. This page offers one solution: http://www.streamreader.org/stats/questions/6204/how-to-incre...
ggplot2 -两个垂直线条之间的阴影区域[重复]
This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经有了答案: Make the background of a graph different colours in different regions 2 answers 让图的背景在...
How can I increase the space between the bars in a bar plot in ggplot2 ? 在ggplot2中,如何增加条形图中条形之间的空间?4 个解决方案 ...
I've been trying to use ggplot2 to produce a plot similar to this R graphic: 我一直在尝试使用ggplot2来生成类似于这个R图形的图: xv<-seq(0,4,0.01)yv<-dnorm(xv,2,0.5) ...
I've been looking for a solution to plot survival curves using ggplot2. I've found some nice examples, but they do not follow the whole ggplot2 aesthe...
I'm trying to wrap my head around why a histogram using qplot is changing when I add a facet_wrap. You can find the data I used for this example here ...
I am trying to create a Kaplan-Meier plot with 95% confidence bands plus having the censored data in a table beneath it. I can create the plot, but no...
I need to draw a pyramid plot, like the one attached. 我需要绘制一个金字塔图,就像附图一样。 I found an example using R (but not ggplot) from here, can anyone give me s...
I would like to create a Kaplan-Meier plot using ggplot2 with a number at risk table beneath indicating the number at risk for each group at each time...
This question demonstrates how to put an equation into a ggplot2 qplot. 这个问题演示了如何将方程式放入ggplot2 qplot中。 q <- qplot(cty, hwy, data = mpg, colour = di...
My actual data set is quite large and it takes R some time to process it. So I wrote a little C program to compute the frequency for each possible val...
How can I draw several lines between two facets? 如何在两个方面之间画出多条线? I attempted this by plotting points at the min value of the top graph but they are no...
关于ggplot包(二)关于ggplot包(二)标尺(Scale)从前面可以看到,画图其实就是在做映射,不管是映射到不同的几何对象上,还是映射各种图形属性。在对图形属性进行映射之后,使用标尺可以控制这些属性的显示方式,如坐标刻度,如颜色属性。> ggplot(small)+geom_point...
This may end up being an expression or call question, but I am trying to conditionally format individual axis labels. 这可能最终成为表达式或调用问题,但我试图有条件地格式化单个轴标...