nRF52 Mesh SDK V3.0版本

时间:2021-12-25 10:56:33
文件名称:nRF52 Mesh SDK V3.0版本
更新时间:2021-12-25 10:56:33
Mesh nRF52 Mesh nRf52 Mesh SDK V3.0版本 The nRF5 SDK for Mesh combined with the nRF52 Series is the complete solution for your Bluetooth mesh development. Use it as a foundation to quickly take advantage of the new capabilities. Highlights: Bluetooth mesh profile v1.0 stack Advertising and GATT bearer Node, Relay Node and Proxy Node role support Configuration and health foundation models Application models Generic OnOff Generic Level Generic Default Transition Time Simple OnOff Provisioning Over the advertising and GATT bearer Remote provisioning over relaying nodes Concurrent standard GATT/GAP connections and Bluetooth mesh For connectivity to smart phones and tablets Beaconing Support for over-the-air secure background DFU Cross-platform toolchain Segger Embedded Studio CMake
